Imagine you were a run&gunner and ran straight by my post. You didn't read it carefully (look carefully) and didn't recognise the latter part. But now, that it's covered in bright orange, you do actually notice it.
That's how bright orange radioactive slime works.
IF the slime does disappear at close range, it might not be an issue, though.
However, then it will still be an issue if there is a guy with a light rifle sitting on a container waiting for some orange slimeballs to appear in the far distance, just to zoom in then to shoot them.
I did read, and understand, the whole post. I merely thought you were referring to the run 'n gunners running past your position
behind the corner. Simple mistake. Because if they run past a corner and don't check to see if someone is lurking there then it wouldn't matter if you were as brightly lit as a miniature sun, you'd still get the drop on them.
I mean seriously, for people to show up in red they have to already be on your screen. It's not like you can be seen through walls, or you're giving off some sort of glow. You just appear reddish to people who see you at longer distances. It makes it pretty much impossible to hide in shadows or blend in with the background, yeah, but it doesn't hurt your ability to hide behind cover, around corners, or flank around people.
Also, please don't use the shaky cam footage as your basis for how intense the rim lighting effect is. It looks much worse in those videos than it actually is.