blue,orange glow?

Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:58 pm

I don't know if this has been asked before but does anyone know if there's gonna be an option to turn this off on consoles?I mean,they already show colored health bars above the players head when ADS so i don't understand why they would need this too.
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:54 pm
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:08 am

Yea I hate the fact that they have the glow. If your trying to hide or something you can't because you look like you jumped in radioactive goo
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:06 pm

Yea I hate the fact that they have the glow. If your trying to hide or something you can't because you look like you jumped in radioactive goo

Why are you hiding? That sounds like a pretty poor tactic in this game even without the glow. This isn't L4D or Spliter Cell. The maps are all well lit. There are no dark corners to hide in. What are you going to do? Put yourself up against the wall whispering "you can't see me"?

As far as I can tell, the game is going for a fast a furious action pace, not a "sneak around carefully and check every corner before even thinking about stepping out" pace.
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john palmer
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:30 pm

Why are you hiding? That sounds like a pretty poor tactic in this game even without the glow. This isn't L4D or Spliter Cell. The maps are all well lit. There are no dark corners to hide in. What are you going to do? Put yourself up against the wall whispering "you can't see me"?

As far as I can tell, the game is going for a fast a furious action pace, not a "sneak around carefully and check every corner before even thinking about stepping out" pace.

So they made the Operatives Class for no apparent reason then?
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k a t e
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:45 pm

they should get rid of the orange glow and leave the blue
you only need to know who your friendlies are
kill everything else!!!!!
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:33 am

So they made the Operatives Class for no apparent reason then?

And here is proof that players have the misconception that Operative = ninja.

The Operatives "stealth" is based around disguising as enemies, not hiding in shadows - something the blue/red glows do not ruin. ANYONE can hide in shadow - which is why the glowing is a good tactic to counter it. Also, the glow dissipates and eventually disappears the closer enemies are.

In addition to this, Operatives do not have to use subterfuge and deception to be useful/victorious. This is one of the great things about Brink - players can play each class a number of different ways, using a number of different abilities and still be successful.
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michael danso
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:38 pm

Why are you hiding? That sounds like a pretty poor tactic in this game even without the glow. ... There are no dark corners to hide in.

Hiding is an absolutely valid tactic. People who think of it as "poor" just don't like to oversee an enemy and get killed by him for their mistake.

Hiding doesn't even require shadows. Simply stepping back and waiting behind a corner if you know an enemy is coming your way does the job. Especially run&gunners will move straight past your position not looking wether someone might be waiting for them or not.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:27 pm

If you're behind a corner then the slight glow won't expose you at all then. :wink_smile:
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:19 am

And here is proof that players have the misconception that Operative = ninja.

The Operatives "stealth" is based around disguising as enemies, not hiding in shadows - something the blue/red glows do not ruin. ANYONE can hide in shadow - which is why the glowing is a good tactic to counter it. Also, the glow dissipates and eventually disappears the closer enemies are.

In addition to this, Operatives do not have to use subterfuge and deception to be useful/victorious. This is one of the great things about Brink - players can play each class a number of different ways, using a number of different abilities and still be successful.

Couldn't have said it any better myself. If the orange glow will make it where you can't play an Operative how you'd planned, chances are that particular playstyle wouldn't have been all too effective in the first place. Or at the very least, the playstyle certainly wouldn't have been Operative-exclusive.


Hiding is an absolutely valid tactic. People who think of it as "poor" just don't like to oversee an enemy and get killed by him for their mistake.

Hiding doesn't even require shadows. Simply stepping back and waiting behind a corner if you know an enemy is coming your way does the job. Especially run&gunners will move straight past your position not looking wether someone might be waiting for them or not.

I think he was referring to "hiding in plain sight" by standing in a dark enough shadow that the enemy can't perceive you. But I could be wrong.

However, I do agree with you as far as hiding behind cover goes - as long as you're actually obscured and not just "hiding in plain sight" that is.
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:21 am

i think it isn't all the time 24/7 neon skin i think it's only when you make yourself obvious like firing large weapons or even weapons without maybe you can hide just pick your shots.(this is all based on my guess ,i didn't see everyone in Vids glowing only the people shooting so that's kinda where i got this thought might not be all correct but it made sense too me.)
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:55 am

If you're behind a corner then the slight glow won't expose you at all then. :wink_smile:

Hiding doesn't even require shadows. Simply stepping back and waiting behind a corner if you know an enemy is coming your way does the job. Especially run&gunners will move straight past your position not looking wether someone might be waiting for them or not.

Imagine you were a run&gunner and ran straight by my post. You didn't read it carefully (look carefully) and didn't recognise the latter part. But now, that it's covered in bright orange, you do actually notice it.
That's how bright orange radioactive slime works.

IF the slime does disappear at close range, it might not be an issue, though.

However, then it will still be an issue if there is a guy with a light rifle sitting on a container waiting for some orange slimeballs to appear in the far distance, just to zoom in then to shoot them.
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how solid
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:26 am

Imagine you were a run&gunner and ran straight by my post. You didn't read it carefully (look carefully) and didn't recognise the latter part. But now, that it's covered in bright orange, you do actually notice it.
That's how bright orange radioactive slime works.

IF the slime does disappear at close range, it might not be an issue, though.

A fair point. Only time will tell I suppose.

However, then it will still be an issue if there is a guy with a light rifle sitting on a container waiting for some orange slimeballs to appear in the far distance, just to zoom in then to shoot them.

That's a double-edged sword though, as he'll be much easier to spot as well. And I'm sure without the glow, he would've had a much easier time finding you at that distance than you would have had finding him. So in practice it might actually end up being more of a disadvantage than anything.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:57 pm

I have to agree, and say the glow shouldn't be there. Seems to easy for people with big guns to see and spray in your area. If it only showed when shooting its not that bad. But I thought that SMART was a good way to get behind enemy lines and do objectives without being seen, but I may be wrong.
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:32 am

Imagine you were a run&gunner and ran straight by my post. You didn't read it carefully (look carefully) and didn't recognise the latter part. But now, that it's covered in bright orange, you do actually notice it.
That's how bright orange radioactive slime works.

IF the slime does disappear at close range, it might not be an issue, though.

However, then it will still be an issue if there is a guy with a light rifle sitting on a container waiting for some orange slimeballs to appear in the far distance, just to zoom in then to shoot them.

I did read, and understand, the whole post. I merely thought you were referring to the run 'n gunners running past your position behind the corner. Simple mistake. Because if they run past a corner and don't check to see if someone is lurking there then it wouldn't matter if you were as brightly lit as a miniature sun, you'd still get the drop on them.

I mean seriously, for people to show up in red they have to already be on your screen. It's not like you can be seen through walls, or you're giving off some sort of glow. You just appear reddish to people who see you at longer distances. It makes it pretty much impossible to hide in shadows or blend in with the background, yeah, but it doesn't hurt your ability to hide behind cover, around corners, or flank around people.

Also, please don't use the shaky cam footage as your basis for how intense the rim lighting effect is. It looks much worse in those videos than it actually is.
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:55 am

I agree with Irish, if you're shooting it wouldnt be that bad but im hoping that the feature can be disabled
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:09 am

That's a double-edged sword though, as he'll be much easier to spot as well. And I'm sure without the glow, he would've had a much easier time finding you at that distance than you would have had finding him. So in practice it might actually end up being more of a disadvantage than anything.

Good point, I didn't think about it that way.

But putting him at a disadvantage for using a weapon which will probably be the most situational in the game doesn't seem fair either. It would be a win-win situation if there was no glow, imo.
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k a t e
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:19 am

Good point, I didn't think about it that way.

But putting him at a disadvantage for using a weapon which will probably be the most situational in the game doesn't seem fair either. It would be a win-win situation if there was no glow, imo.

Perhaps, but then that guy using the light rifle would probably either put out quite a bit more friendly fire, or he would make a (slight) pause before each shot while he determined whether his target was friendly or hostile. And that pause could actually make the difference between an enemy heavy getting taken down or not, which could make a significant difference in a close game.

Granted, this all depends on how strong the zoom on scopes is, as I could be completely wrong if the zoom is powerful enough. It also would depend on whether the intensity of the glow is determined by how close the enemy appears visually, or by how close he actually is to your character.

Because of that, I'm not sure whether no glow would be a win-win, or a lose-lose for that matter. To really be sure, I'd need to see a higher quality video which featured the glow.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:07 am

Glowing does help if for long-range combat, but still its a useless feature once people learn where the enemy is turtlling, where Sentries usually go etc..

Also the Operative is more like a Commando, kind of like some sort of Conter-terrorist unit. Hence the name Spec-Op
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:57 am

Imagine you were a run&gunner and ran straight by my post. You didn't read it carefully (look carefully) and didn't recognise the latter part. But now, that it's covered in bright orange, you do actually notice it.
That's how bright orange radioactive slime works.

IF the slime does disappear at close range, it might not be an issue, though.

However, then it will still be an issue if there is a guy with a light rifle sitting on a container waiting for some orange slimeballs to appear in the far distance, just to zoom in then to shoot them.

That's well thought of. Heres a turtle. :turtle:
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:42 pm

I would hope it is like Army of Two with it being a Aggro type of thing, with suppressors not causing you to glow unless you are in plain sight, it would be almost impossible to pull off but it isn't a game breaking thing to me...
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:23 am

I would hope it is like Army of Two with it being a Aggro type of thing, with suppressors not causing you to glow unless you are in plain sight, it would be almost impossible to pull off but it isn't a game breaking thing to me...

There is supposed to be an ability, Combat Senses or something along those lines, which warns you if someone has you in their sights.

Imo, this ability should also make that enemy glow for you, instead of having a general glow on all enemies.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:44 pm

There is supposed to be an ability, Combat Senses or something along those lines, which warns you if someone has you in their sights.

Imo, this ability should also make that enemy glow for you, instead of having a general glow on all enemies.

i agree it will not make everyone look like a bunch of radioactive looters.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:05 pm

That glow kinda really made a big blow to my view of Brink, i will take it off but others won't if it has an advantage.

I thought the Glow only pops up when their Reticule was on you for like 2 seconds - If this is like it i won't mind this at all by chance you may be found cause some guy was just 'lucky'. but if theres glow if they are in your 'sight' i will be kinda disappointed.. wheres someone with FACTS?!
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:26 am

In videos i have seen the blue/orange glow has not been a big deal, it only appears when you are aimed at an enemy, the enemy is shooting, or the enemy is in plain sight. The glow wont stay if say you shoot someone and then hide behind cover to reload, the glow doesnt go through things like in other games. Also it is a very thin glow and it wont give you away if you are sneaking into the enemies base. I dont see it has a problem and maybe it is SD way of getting rid of a big aim assist like in enemy territory quake wars' singleplayer.
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