[WIP]-"GI Blues"-seekiing new name

Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:44 am

(blank spaces are to help preserve the fun factor)

The project was initially named "G.I. Blues" in honor of the Elvis song of the same name, but I came to find out there is a quest in game with that name. (oops).

So here is your chance to help the DTPP team name our quest mod!

The mod takes place when the player finds his way into the company of some ghoulified pre-war U.S. paramilitary troops and their vertibird, and is taken to an isolated, forgotten island far far out in the pacific ocean.

The island is run by Dr. _________, who is a maniacal figure who has transformed himself into an ___________, and is plotting to take over what is left of the Western Seaboard, and eventually the U.S.A.

On the island you will encounter many strange things, from the technological to the arcane.

This mod will feature many of the DTPP teams signature SCIENCE!™ brand gadgets, and offer the diligent player the chance to REBUILD their character, regardless of level, in a fully non-cheat manner that INCLUDES removing all of your current perks and letting you rechoose them!

The mod currently will support vanilla, and possibly the 'More Perks' pack from the NVNEXUS.

So here is your chance folks, come up with some names before we do!

The winning name will be given credits in the Readme and perhaps a guest spot in the mod as well... ;)
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:26 am

Well, let's see... there's lots of great, classic song titles you could go with:

"An American Trilogy" would be particularly poignant if you were abducted / invited by 'three' ghoulified soldier types... but could otherwise just be used to represent World War III / Nuclear Armageddon / Whatever.

"It's Only Make Believe" by Conway Twitty is fairly classic... and would be fitting, if your big bad Dr. Noname was some kind of delusional madman.

"Keep Your Hands to Yourself" would work if you were taken by force... or as a general representation of the fact that everything on this island of yours is strange and wonderful and potentially dangerous.

"Ain't That a Shame" would... probably be better served as a quest name than a title for the mod... but maybe the mod -is- a quest, and therefore this would be a suitable name for it seeing as you thwart some dastardly villains evil schemes, yes?

"Catch Us if You Can" for the obvious reasons...

"Dirty Water" ... also for the obvious reasons.

"Don't Bring me Down" is another one of those song titles that... well... the song itself isn't really what makes it work. Anything involving a vertibird... probably could consider this.

"Do you want to know a secret" would also work, more for the title than the lyrics...

"For What it's Worth" ... because, let's face it... the song is awesome, and the title is so suggestively vague that it could be referring to -anything-.

There's tons more, too... if you want a song title, anyways.

I could probably just start spouting off some randomly made up titles as well... but then I would need to know a bit more about the mod, and that might spoil it for me when it's done... so I'onno...

Anyhow, hope I was a little helpful, anyways.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:01 am

Lotta good ideas there, Colonel. But I think I found a name that fits..

But you led me to it with the song titles, so YOU WIN :)

And since you are an Enclave Colonel....you might find your way into the mod.

If you can send me a face exchange file or save of your Colonel character, I will see what I can do to put it into the mod.

And now, announcing the real mod thread name: Dream a little dream (by the Everly brothers)

When you see how the rebuilder quest is handled (think...Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and/or Total Recall), you'll understand why ;)
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:51 pm

Dream a Little Dream?

Hahaha! That was actually on the list of names I was pulling from (I was going through my 'oldies' music folder), but I cut myself off before I got to it!

Well, I'm glad you found me to be of -some- help, anyways. And since I never win anything, I'll totally accept an offer of becoming a part of your mod. Just give me a few to actually -get- another save of Colonel Tannanbaum again (he was my Fallout 3 character, after all... I'm only just now actually making him in New Vegas), and I'll get that sent on over to you.

Anyways, I'll be keeping an eye on your guys' progress... so good luck, and keep at it!

So far, it sounds pretty damn good. I've got high hopes!
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Ian White
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:03 pm

You are also extended an invitation to join the team to bring any modding skills you have, if you wish, and/or to help with story flow and creative elements.
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Solène We
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:37 am

Hrrm... well, I suppose I don't really have much which would prevent me from helping you folks out going on at the moment...

I'm currently in the process of learning more about scripting, in hopes of finally managing to complete my own mod "Presenting: The Crafting Mod" (which is just a working title, at the moment, so don't hold me to that name. I just cant' come up with something which adequately covers the fact that I intend to let the player quite literally make everything from guns, to med-x, to tables and chairs.)

Seeing as my scripting skills are nill... and my idiot sense is tingling... I have this feeling that I could be at it a while.

In the mean time, I would love something like this to keep me busy.

In addition to my skill with designing rather excellent (my own words, I may be overselling myself) interior locations... I do usually have a knack for coming up with plot, names, story elements, and all kinds of stuff like that.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:56 pm

Ok, you are in as an interior designer then. That leaves us currently with:

Me, overseer, scripter, story editor.

Esrafael: Exterior designer, Interior design assist (furniture/idle markers/etc), story editor.

Tannanbaum: Story editing, interior design, some scripting.

Now we need a modeller/rigger/texturer/animator.

Lets move future discussion to the 'Dream a little dream' topic :)
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Charles Weber
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