Funny, I was looking for some good blunt weapons for my personal weapons compilation recently.
So, in addition to what you've already got , which is quiet nicely looking.
I think they look a bit clumsy, but following your link below it seems something like that exists in real life. Thanks for the link, I guess I'll have a look at them in game to see whether I'll add them or not.
only 4 votes (currently) and it's showing that for every 4 people 3/1 do not like blunt....that sort of prooves why there are less blunt weapons.
I had a mod long ago that added Scythe's there were considered blunt (go figure)
Probably TDA's Scythe mod. That one is already in by default since it's pretty old.
if it would amount to any worth here, I'd be willing to make a set of HQ blunts (pun intended) or if not that I would atleast make one...however I do not have quite enough knowledge. I can do the modeling part, but not the rigging or texturing.
UV mapping and texturing is by far the most time consuming thing unfortunately. Especially for weapons. I could make twenty weapons a day if someone else made the rest.

you have my permission, but you should ask Jdfan just to be on safe side.
There really is a lacking of blunt weapons once again when it comes to mod's. Plenty of Swords and Bows out there not many blunt weapons mods once again.
And most fhtem you already have listed..Those that add alot that is.
I would say Armamentarium and Artifacts has those add alot of blunt weapons, but, they are just retextures, there maybe a few new meshes, but, most of it is vanilla retextures once again.
Thanks! Yes, I think Armamentarium and Artifacts has mostly recolors. I might see whether there are any really new weapons inside, but I guess I won't download a gazillion gigabytes for just one weapon. Too bad, Trollf is really a great modeler (love his Junkyard). The Mount & Blade weapons are pretty low quality unfortunately since M&B is not quite up to Oblivion standards regarding graphics.
I see tons of swords...but not as many bows as you make it sound.
well...I mean, I see a lot of bows, but their general design and structure seems the same as the next one over. I have seen maybe 4 REALLY intresting and appealing bows.
So far I added about 170 weapons to Fran's. I'd say ~130 of them are blade weapons, 10 are bows and 30 are blunt weapons. That shows what people prefer I guess. If you're looking for interesting bows you might want to look at Nicoroshi's mods.
EDIT: Thanks, Greenwarden. The meshes have a really high quality, but they might be a bit too cartoony for my taste. But the axe could go through as a magic high level axe I guess.