During the development of Morrowind gamesas talked about how the NPCs can do everything the player can do, and got into the topic of pickpocketing. They then said they decided to not let any NPCs pickpocket the player, as the player would be more likely to think that it was a bug in the game that something was missing, rather than he had been pickpocketed. So it was not a feature they put in the final game, I suspect it will be the same here unless it's related to some quest.
I loved this at the Den in FO2.
As long as it's explained in
BOLD detail in thick bright none common colour blind words in the manual I see no problem with it.
I know a fair few won't get it through into their heads, and complain about bugs, or that a sword they never use has gone missing.
It still would be fun, and open up possibilities, do I live in a manor house in the posh part of town...
Or make my home in with the thieves where crime rates are lower.