i have recently come to a conclusion that people being looked down upon for streatching body parts (ear lobes, lips etc.) , sub-dermal implants and tattoos. are still being looked down on by society. Views on this?
I stretch my ears and have a facial peircing, and plan to get another. i have dificulty getting a job and being aloud to keep my jewelry, we live in 2011 and the trends growing, why is it still put down? i dont think changing my body to what i want it to be makes me a bad person personally.
There's a legitimate bias, and that is, I think, more young advlts being in the "experimenting" phase in a much later age. It's frowned upon in that sense because it's not seen as serious, i.e. formal, and not a sign of stability. If I see someone walking with their ear pierced with a hole that a person can jump through I'm more apt to laugh then take them seriously.
For those who can have these piercing or tattoo's and not go so far extreme with it, the good news is times are changing and business is becoming more informal, following the trend of brands/marketing and more informal work spaces. But then again, socially there will be some people to push the envelope just a little further next generation, making those with elaborate or numerous tattoo's/piercings look like child's play.