Boethiah's calling bugged

Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:33 pm

Hello again friends.

I've just started the quest and tried to sacrifice Stenvar (a mercenary from Windhelm) - I've told him to use the pillar, then I've hit him with the dagger that the priestess gave to me but Boethiah didn't talk after that.

Stenvar's health drops to around 20% as soon as I hit him, then the screen becomes blurry and he just stands there and doesn't say anything.

I think that Boethiah is supposed to enter his body and talk to me but nothing happens, just blurred screen.

I've tried to kill all the cultists once I've "sacrificed" Stenvar and it seemed to help partially - the daedric lord appeared in a body of the last cultist and gave me orders. So I ended up sacrificing a mercenary and killing the cultists. This way is glitched too, because after I've spoken to Boethiah, Stenvar is just staying in one place, unable to do anything. I can't even kill him.

Is there a way to fix this quest without having to slay the cultists? Some console command perhaps, to force Boethiah into speaking with me once I do the sacrifice?

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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:24 pm

Did you check the the bugs section may help.

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Katharine Newton
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