Yes well, Ebony, Glass, and Dwarven should be Morrowind only armors as well, yet they were in Oblibion, so there goes that theory.
Ebony and Glass were both actively sold to the Imperials (there Trading Companies, to be precise) in Morrowind. I think it was even stated that the export of those materials is one of the main sources of income for the various Houses.
With Dwemer stuff, there was a lot of smuggling going on.
I agree though that they were a little bit too abundant in Oblivion.
As for Bonemold, Netch and Dreugh armor... those are
really Morrowind specialties, since the other regions simply have good alternatives to them (there's just no market for Bonemold if there is Mithril from local mines available, things like that). However, well. Morrowind was full of Imperial stuff and also had its share of Nordic influence. Nordic weapons and at least a couple of armor pieces were in it. A bit of a mix is always nice.
Still, only vote goes to "new stuff". I keep wanting those bits and pieces from Morrowind back because I think that they'll turn the game into Morrowind, but they never do.

I need to get rid of that habit, and currently I'm quite positive that Skyrim will have an awesome design, so now seems a good time.
(Doesn't mean I don't want cool stuff like spears, crossbows, halberds, transportation networks, realtime lockpicking, *falls into incomprehensible mumbling*)