Bonnie Springs - Rebuilt.

Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:30 pm

Hello! Im currently working on rebuilding Bonnie springs, as it's quite dull, and seems like a great project. I've made some interiors etc, and i got some ideas. I do however need some more, original ideas. What should i make of Bonnie springs? An NCR settlement, slavers, farmers, BoS settlers? I have no idea which kind of people they will be. As far as now i've made a Vendor, a barkeep and so on. Working on making them as realistic as possible at the moment. But only using vanilla resources.

Let me know if you have any ideas :celebration:
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jadie kell
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:49 am

What should i make of Bonnie springs? An NCR settlement, slavers, farmers, BoS settlers?

I think either BoS or slavers would be interesting, but unfortunately i'm probably less creative than you so i can't help more than providing my opinion.
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:41 am

I think either BoS or slavers would be interesting, but unfortunately i'm probably less creative than you so i can't help more than providing my opinion.

BoS it shouldn't be, they don't have villages - far too open.

Slavers would be the Legion, and it's a bit out of their way - I'd just make it some post-tribal group of some kind.
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:20 pm

BoS it shouldn't be, they don't have villages - far too open.

Slavers would be the Legion, and it's a bit out of their way - I'd just make it some post-tribal group of some kind.

I was thinking if it was more like BoS similar to Veronica, not really intended to stay in the bunker and not openly advertising they are BoS and for slavers i was also thinking an independent group of slavers (more like the FO3 slavers than NV legion).
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:31 am

Well, I think that a group of independent slavers sound like a decent idea. But only if their not hostile on sight, that would be sort of pointless. Unless you made it that way like a quest, to kill the slavers and release the slaves, then the slaves take over the settlement?

I don't know, just throwing a suggestion out.
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:29 pm

I'd say make it an independent town. Rather than a town of hats, make it a diverse town. This way you can mix these different backgrounds in there, without needing
Perhaps a few former BoS members do live there, and maybe there are some slavers in town. Obviously farmers would be a good addition to such a settlement.

I'd say having them trade with or have deal with the Khans is in order for them to live there without incident. Either that or proper defenses.
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:56 am

This was an idea I had knocking around, that I'll probably never get to, of making Bonnie Springs a sort of neutral ground for bandits and raiders - vipers, jackals, fiends, khans, powder gangers, etc - where they trade loot and hire each other as mercenaries. There's no law, but with so many armed murderers in one place, the odds are against anyone who starts trouble. The residents aren't hostile to the courier on sight, but that doesn't make it a safe place. There'd be a saloon with all the spaghetti western trappings, a couple hangouts for specific gangs, and a store. My thought for the store was that it's run by an old man with a bit of a steampunk flair - railway rifle, metal armor, and a turret to keep the patrons in line.
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:39 pm

I have a cell in the works in Bonnie Springs now for FONVInteriors Urban Edition, for compatability reasons I will PM you.

Please forget I even posted that I have no plans for BS, sorry my mistake :facepalm:

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