I saw a guy get impaled by his shiskebob (It was a screen glitch but he died when it happened

) and he was skewered.
One of my sad moments:
Veronica's Death (hardcoe Mode): I was killing things, and a Legionary Assassin pulled his 12.7mm pistol and killed Veronica, I didn't know it was that powerful! But it said: Veronica has died and I was like :sadvaultboy:, because I didn't expect her to die so easily.
Boone's (Violent) Death (hardcoe Mode): I was killing Lee Oliver and some Veteran Rangers with Yes Man and 200 other Securitrons and in one second, " :sadvaultboy: Boone has died". Then when the battle was over, I checked Boone and his leg was gone. (I was kind of sad that he died that way.....he should have died in Berlin)