DB's Book Activation Mod (DBBAM) v1.45 by DerekBaker
Allows books to be taken (activated) without being opened for reading. Allows a tag to be added to the name of books that have been read by the player.
OPTIONAL (Required for customization and read tagging)
CHANGES from v1.43
Added ability to add a tag to the name of books that have been read by the player.
Fixed wouldn't work without Pluggy.
The opening of a book when activated had always annoyed me. Stumbling upon and having recently produced some code that could serve as a base, I made this mod.
By default, holding down either of the modifier keys (default: left shift and right shift) when a book is activated will move it to your inventory without it being opened for reading. This behaviour can be reversed (see CUSTOMIZATION). 'Book' is what the game defines as a book, which includes other printed material such as scrolls and newspapers. Non-takeable 'books', for example posters, are excluded. If the book increases a skill, a message can appear indicating such. If a book has a script that runs when the player takes it, that script will run.
In response to a user request, I've added the ability (disabled by default) to have a tag added to the name of books that the player reads. Pluggy is required for this feature. The default tag is " (Read)" which is added to the end of the book's title.
Put DBBAM.esp in your Oblivion\Data folder.
Default Path - XP: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data
Vista: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data
If using Pluggy, put DBBAM.ini in Pluggy\User Files. If you use OBMM or WryeBash, they will not put the ini in the correct place - you must do so manually. If no ini is found, one with default settings will be created automatically.
Default Path - XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[yourname]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files
Vista C:\Users\[yourname]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files
Activate DBBAM.esp in your chosen app.
On current knowledge, load order is not important. DBBAM is supported by BOSS.
CUSTOMIZATION - Only available if Pluggy is used.
The ini has two sections. BookActivation provides five settings. Modifier1 and Modifier2 are integers. They are dxscancodes. The defaults are 42 (left shift) and 54 (right shift). Other common values are 56 (Left Alt), 184 (RightAlt), 29 (Left Control) and 167 (Right Control). A full list can be found on ModifiedIsDefault determines the function of the modifiers: 0 is default (modifier key held down = no opening); 1 is the reverse (modifier key held down = opening).
ShowSBMessage controls what will be shown when a skill book is moved straight to inventory without being opened. It is an integer: 0 = no message; 1 (default) = a 2nd person message; 2 = a 1st person message; 3 = a user-defined message. If the latter, UserSkillBookMessage defines the message shown. To include the name of the book in the message use %BOOKNAME%, which will be replaced with the name.
The ReadTagging section has two settings. DoReadTagging specifies whether a tag should be added to the title of a book: 0 = off, 1 = use default tag, 2 = use user-defined tag. UserReadTag specifies the user defined tag; %BOOKNAME% will be replaced with the title of the book.
IF READTAGGING NEVER USED: No special measures required. Just deactivate and/or remove the esp.
IF READTAGGING USED: It is not safe to simply deactivate or uninstall the mod. Doing this will leave the tag in the books' name. You must use the Clean Removal option.
To run Clean Removal, open the console and type "startquest aaaDBBAMCleanRemoval" without the quotes. Press Enter and close the console. When the message box appears, you can deactivate/uninstall the mod.
If you have deactivated it without running Clean Removal, reactivate the mod and run Clean Removal.
If you have uninstalled it - that is removed the esp from the Data folder - the information necessary to remove the added tags will be destroyed and Clean Removal will not work.
None at this time. If you know better, let me know.
Mod was cleaned with Tes4Edit so no need to do so again.
No issues known.
v1.43 Made Pluggy optional.
Improved compatibility with my DBWGP, and potentially other mods.
v1.42 Fixed (again) default second person message would show 'BOOKNAME' instead of the name of the book.
v1.41 Fixed books without a parent would not trigger physics.
v1.40 Books without a parent will now trigger physics.
v1.33 Fixed books with parent would not be removed from world when added to player inventory.
v1.32 Fixed default second person message would show 'BOOKNAME' instead of the name of the book.
v1.31b Somehow the showing of the book title when crept back in, fixed now.
V1.31 Default skill book messages now include the name of the book. The user-defined message can include it.
v1.30 Name of book message no longer given when book is taken without opening.
Default messages changed to reflect fact may get nothing from a book, if already read same book before.
Fixed user-defined message wouldn't appear if ini from archive used.
v1.20 User-defined message can be shown when a skill book is taken.
Scripted books can be taken without being opened.
Option to have non-opening be the default action.
Activation now disabled only when looking at a book the mod handles.
v1.10b Skill book message. User-defined modifiers. Default handling of scripted books.
v1.00 Initial Release
All those on the official forums who helped with issues I had during development. The creators of OBSE, Pluggy and Tes4Edit. The creator of Save Skill Books for Later OBSE.
No warranty. Do what you like with it, but make sure that you credit me.