"Or does the movie "The Book Of Eli" resemble Fallout so much? When i first saw the previews to that movie I thought it was "Fallout the movie" or something."
Don't see it.
I know
you don't see the resemblance, but many people do. I'm one of them. My point was that you yourself said that Fallout 3 (post-apocalyptic setting, lone wanderer, heroic figure, gunfights, raiders, importance of water, self-justified villain; society of moral ambiguity, hopelessness, fear, and illiteracy) and The Book of Eli (post-apocalyptic setting, lone wanderer, heroic figure, gunfights, raiders, importance of water, self-justified villain; society of moral ambiguity, hopelessness, fear, and illiteracy) resemble each other, but assert that they aren't similar. Trying to argue semantics or something?