The people who are so bold as to say they, not only do not believe, but they KNOW that there is no god, a.k.a atheists, (Before you take issue with this, look into the context of the word atheism as applied today and the simple definition of the term.) believe that to make a religious character a lead character is "blasphemy" and offensive it seems. Never mind the billions of movies that portray non religious and even anti religious characters, and their sometimes clear and direct insults to any religious faith, and its followers.
Plain and simple, the people are arrogant, ignorant, and rude by all meanings of the terms.
Before anyone gets their pants in a bundle, consider, firstly, are you an atheist?
Do you simply not believe? That is not atheism, that is a simple, understandable, and completely fair lack of faith, belief or devotion.
Now, to say not only that you do not believe, but that you know that there is no god of any kind, and to even SHUN those that do believe (the latter being optional) means you are an atheist.
To be clear, I have no issues what so ever with people who simply do not believe. My problem is with the direct polar opposites of atheism, and domination of religion. I believe, that is enough for me, but to force the belief as bible thumpers and big wigged preachers do, even though, their understanding of it is vague at best, is wrong. Plain and simple. To say that you are right and all who believe are simply wrong, is ignorance, arrogance and rude, and these attitudes are the same on both sides of said spectrum. But these oppositions show up much more heavily in TRUE atheism.
The problem is that atheism is popular right now, just like being bi-sixual, gay or "an outcast" which to be clear, I HAVE NO OPPOSITION TOWARDS. My issue lies strictly with the groups that proclaim themselves a member of THESE groups, in order to gain attention, affection or gain. But in all respects, I have yet to meet one person who is truely atheist, or at least, would admit themselves to be, because when you get right down to it, it's a position of arrogance.
So, to make a long story short, because "atheists" don't like seeing anything that a christian or any other denomination would enjoy, and cannot accept any difference, they simply believe that only they have the right.
Before any *ahem* "atheists", decide to start a throw down because of this, think carefully about your OPINION and whether or not you simply do not believe, or oppose belief entirely.
The book of Eli was, in my opinion, a great movie. I found it to HIGHLY resemble Fo3, but thats just me.
Please do not think me outlandish or rude, as frankly, I don't believe anyone I've met TRULY backs atheism, 100%. I am simply making it clear what atheism really is, and how it pertains to fallout and The Book of Eli.
Well put and also a reason to be agnostic and not atheistic.
Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable.[1] Agnosticism can be defined in various ways, and is sometimes used to indicate doubt or a skeptical approach to questions. In some senses, agnosticism is a stance about the similarities or differences between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief.
Myself I do not believe in a God, but that doesn't mean I think he can not exists. It just means I do not have enough evidence to prove or disprove so I choose not to believe. I like many other non-believers have no problem with religious people expression their believes as long as they don't try to push them on people who have no reason to believe or no want to believe. That said I understand the loathing for the Atheists that is just as steadfast in their belief that their is no God, as the Popes belief that their is a God and he knows his will.
I think the book of Eli was very well done. Firstly the backgrounds and sets provided the best look at the scenery of a post apocalypse I have ever seen. Blowing away Mad Max imo. Also not only did it show that the Bible could be used for Good it also showed how it could be used in a very evil way. I think it is funny that so many Atheists think that they will finally escape people believing in a God, any God in the post Apocalypse. The one thing I found unbelievable about the Book of Elie was that only one book in brail survived. Even if their was a concentrated effort to destroy all King James Bible's there are many other versions in many languages, and it's the most printed book in the world. Surely Thousands or even Hundreds of Thousands would have survived. Not to mention digital copies. Given you have to find a working computer and a generator, but that shouldn't be to much of a problem.