Book rotate, book jackets, and crashes

Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:29 am

I came back to playing Morrowind about a week ago. I installed the MGSO, code patch, etc as well as a bunch of other mods. I believe MGSO includes book jackets. However, i did not realise that it did not include a book rotate version. So, wondering why my books were not rotating, I was fiddling with uninstalling and reinstalling book rotate. I also disscovered that at some point after running MGSO options again to re-tune my settings all my mods had been re-enabled, even ones that had not been ticked. I must have missed Book rotate morrowind 1.1 and left it checked, which meant I had book rotate esm, book rotate morrowind 1.1, book rotate tribunal 5.3 and bloodmoon 5.3.

Eventually I realised there was a book rotate version of book jackets, so I installed that. However, I still cannot get books to rotate (only the odd book here or there will do it - probably only from other mods.) Then I realised book rotate morrowind 1.1 was actually installed so I deactivated it to see if that would work, but no luck and now my game crashes when certain books are placed on the ground - the same ones that would rotate before). Reactivating morrowind 1.1 stops this, but still no rotating on most of my books.

So I uninstalled the esm and esps for book rotate, as well as the book jacket esps as they require book rotate, saved my game to clean it, and now the weird things happen. Game still crashes when I place certain books on the ground, but the books that were covered by book jackets now rotate...even though book rotate is not installed...

Can anyone help me fix whatever is going on here? Or is my game doomed to go libraryless?

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:08 am

Any chance of seeing your mod list and the contents of your warnings.txt? That'd help.

Also, I think that when you change options in MGSO it can overwrite resources and plugins from mods you've added since installing MGSO. I'm not sure as I don't use it, there's a thread round these parts dedicated to it and it should be on the first couple of pages or so.

I have added quite a lot of Book Rotate, Book Jackets and Librarian (which combines the two) rules into Running that could highlight conflicts, missing plugins and can also re-order your plugins for maximum compatibility.

[Edit: And we're not talking about the cricket, OK?]
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:31 pm

Thanks for the quick response (anything to take the mind off the next test?)

It was when looking through Mlox's warnings that I realised that I had some problems with book rotate morrowind 1.1.esp.

My mods are as follows, including in the load order Mlox arranged (note this is not including book jackets or book rotate):


_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm
_005_ Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm
_006_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
_007_ Texture Fix 2.0.esm
_008_ RF - Furniture shop.esm
_009_ Weapon Rotate.esm
_010_ MetalQueenBoutique.esm
_011_ LGNPC_NoLore.esp
_012_ shrinetext.esp
_013_ entertainers.esp
_014_ master_index.esp
_015_ dh_furn.esp
_016_ Better Bodies.esp
_017_ Loincloth_top_ pkg2.esp
_018_ dh_furn_stores.esp
_019_ adamantiumarmor.esp
_020_ EBQ_Artifact.esp
_021_ dh_homes.esp
_022_ dh_thriftshop.esp
_023_ night gallery.esp
_024_ dracandrosvoice.esp
_025_ Creeper Change.esp
_026_ SirLuthor-Tools.esp
_027_ Unique Banners and Signs.esp
_028_ Ice_GownOfAzura.esp
_029_ Barabus' fireplaces 2.esp
_030_ MQB_AndromacheBB.esp
_031_ MQB_QofH_Colours.esp
_032_ Potted Plants - Trib & BM.esp
_033_ Advanced Herbalism - Planter Add-On.esp
_034_ Advanced Herbalism - TR & BM.esp
_035_ MQB_VictorianGownsAddon.esp
_036_ RF - Bethesda Furniture.esp
_037_ RF & HOM Compatability.esp
_038_ Windows Glow.esp
_039_ abotTakeMyPlace.esp
_040_ RF - Lady E's Extravaganza.esp
_041_ DB_Attack_Mod.esp
_042_ ExcellentMagicSounds.esp
_043_ Ice_ElegantGowns.esp
_044_ BAR_MournholdTeleportationFix.esp
_045_ BlackIndorilElite1.7.esp
_046_ Night_Gallery_BB_Addon.esp
_047_ Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
_048_ Wayfarer's Rest v1.21.esp
_049_ MWE_Base.esp
_050_ CM_Partners_3.0_Child_Upgrade.esp
_051_ Better Skulls.ESP
_052_ Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
_053_ MQB_AmazonPrincessArmor.esp
_054_ CM_Partners_3.0.esp
_055_ CM_Partners_3.0_Guards_Upgrade.esp
_056_ B79_RacersRoost_v1.1.esp
_057_ Louis_BeautyShop_v1.5.esp
_058_ MA_snowprincetomb_v3.esp
_059_ Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
_060_ Romance_v37EV.esp
_061_ Decorator+.esp
_062_ Romance_Follow_v10EV.esp
_063_ Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp
_064_ Bisixual_v10EV.esp
_065_ LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp
_066_ LGNPC_HlaOad.esp
_067_ LGNPC_MaarGan.esp
_068_ LGNPC_Pelagiad.esp
_069_ LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp
_070_ Mercenary Pack v4.0.esp
_071_ Mercenary Pack - Bloodmoon Add-On v1.7.esp
_072_ Mercenary Pack - Guards Add-On v1.1.esp
_073_ MWE_Writing.esp
_074_ MWE_Combat.esp
_075_ JEB_muffin_fix.esp
_076_ Weapon Rotate - Tribunal.esp
_077_ Weapon Rotate - Bloodmoon.esp
_078_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp
_079_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_suppl.esp
_080_ LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp
_081_ LGNPC_SeydaNeen.esp
_082_ LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp
_083_ LGNPC_VivecFQ.esp
_084_ Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp
_086_ BAR_RethanExpansion_v2.2.esp
_087_ LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp
_088_ Weapon Rotate - Vendors.esp
_089_ LGNPC_VivecRedoran.esp
_090_ Siege at Firemoth.esp
_091_ House of Mannequins v1.0.esp
_092_ Daggerfall Collection Ver 1.1 (BTB Edit).esp
_093_ PSsorticon.esp
_094_ Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
_095_ Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp
_096_ Less_Generic_Tribunal.esp
_097_ ale_clothing_v0.esp
_098_ Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp
_099_ ale_clothing_v1.esp
_100_ Clean Nobles Add-on for SPS.ESP
_101_ abotWindowsGlow.esp
_102_ OneHandedWeapons.esp
_103_ NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp
_104_ Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
_105_ BetterClothesForTB.esp
_106_ correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
_107_ New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp
_108_ New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp
_109_ almalexia armor.esp
_110_ Psy_UniqueDremora_T.esp
_111_ The Imperial Legion Badge.esp
_112_ AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp
_113_ Golden Gold.esp
_114_ Psy_VGR_Armour.esp
_115_ More Better Clothes.ESP
_116_ New Voices.esp
_117_ Sleepers, Awake!.esp
_118_ LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp
_119_ guarskin_drum_replacer.esp
_120_ UniqueFinery.esp
_121_ Morrowind Code Patch Showcase.esp
_122_ New Bodies - Mature.esp
_123_ Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
_124_ Clean MCFC_1.0.esp
_125_ imperial chain fix.esp
_126_ UF_HortRobeF001.esp
_127_ The Crimson Wire by Mandamus-EV1.0.esp
_128_ Statue Replacer - Normal.esp
_129_ bones.esp
_130_ MW Containers Animated.esp
_131_ Shieldfx.esp
_132_ Better_Sounds.esp
_133_ Female Armor - Complete.esp
_134_ Better Weapons and Armors.esp
_135_ OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
_136_ Give your orders v13.esp
_137_ master_list.esp

My warnings text is as follows:


One of the files that "shrinetext.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
One of the files that "House of Mannequins v1.0.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
One of the files that "Give your orders v13.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
Chunk size 222 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 80 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 79 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 223 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 224 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 69 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 70 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 80 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 79 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 223 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 224 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 69 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 64 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 80 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 79 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 223 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 224 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 69 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Chunk size 70 too big in chunk NAME_ID in form LEVI_ID.
Max size is 32, data truncated to "rrentAiPackage == 3 )
if ( le".
Unable to locate creature 'AM_PrayerDM1' in Leveled Creature 'AM_PrayerRandom'.
Unable to locate creature 'AM_PrayerDF1' in Leveled Creature 'AM_PrayerRandom'.
Unable to locate creature 'AM_PrayerDF2' in Leveled Creature 'AM_PrayerRandom'.
Unable to locate creature 'AM_PrayerDM2' in Leveled Creature 'AM_PrayerRandom'.
Unable to locate creature 'AM_PrayerDF3' in Leveled Creature 'AM_PrayerRandom'.
Required plugin / master file 'Book Jackets - Morrowind - BookRotate.esp' not found or not currently loaded.
Required plugin / master file 'Book Rotate - Tribunal v5.3.esp' not found or not currently loaded.
Required plugin / master file 'Book Rotate - Bloodmoon v5.3.esp' not found or not currently loaded.
Required plugin / master file 'Book Jackets - Tribunal - BookRotate.esp' not found or not currently loaded.
Required plugin / master file 'Book Jackets - Bloodmoon - BookRotate.esp' not found or not currently loaded.
Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_1_f.
Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_03.

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Rachel Briere
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