So, what I'm actually here for:
Now that I've finished copying every book over from Daggerfall, and everything is completely placed, can anyone point me to any unofficial books of importance that may be of interest, if there are any? Would make a nice addition, and I'd never need to leave the place! Thanks.
Also, I'm thinking of releasing this (it's more of a personal mod), so it would be nice if anyone could conjure up a list of important books? Say a list of topics. If I wanted to know more about Lycanthropy, for example, "On Lycanthropy" would be a nice book to reort to. Just a nice little list I can add in-game (don't worry, I'll put your name in

I'd do so myself, but I'm not very well learned on my lore (hence the mod), and wouldn't know where to start with a lot of topics, tbh.
Thanks, guys. Your friendly neighbourhood Daedric Prince, Hircine.

(In the lore forums, rather than the mod ones, because I'd expect a lot more lore buffs 'round 'ere)