@Madoc - I just woke up so maybe my brain is fuzzy, but I'm not sure what "common" thing you're referring to. heh. that their AI sometimes gets wonky about choosing weapons? At any rate, I've put lots of ammo and weapons types in their inventory before and sometimes observe as they literally switch back and forth between two weapons while idle, and have yet to have a ctd. I'm not doubting your result...only saying I don't seem to have it myself. Altho, I have never bought a caravan card so maybe that's why.

Sorry my lingo is not reliable I'll try to put it better.
I've found that if
A: some weapons of the same type and are at the same condition they stack, but not like
Hunting shotgun (#),.
Rather they are hidden from the inventory
Hunting shotgun ( no stack # ) , you will see their weight but even if you equip them they will not seperate.
This is not just with weapons but clothing as well the most common I've found is the stormchasers hat.
The only way to know that these items are there is if you dump out all your weapon and or clothing inventories, and peel the layers off like an onion.
Now this normally does not cause a crash, but if you try to mod a weapon while it's on top of a hidden stack it will cause the game to crash.
B: Less space on this, caravan cards if two of the same are sold by a merchant buying both at the same time can / will cause a crash.
Been solved using the same metheods A and the companion glitch empty the inventory.
B: just buy one / no cards.
Tried causing companions to glitch using items and not able to self replicate it, but if the game stats to crash on combat automatically clear weapon stocks.