Boosting totally destroyed my gameplay

Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:17 am

I recently decided to boost my character with the

fortify restoration
glitch or loop. The character boost totally destroyed my gameplay. Its just no fun to play with a character that is that overpowered. Sure, I can kill any foe with just one hit of my bound sword and my destruction spells almost don't cost nothing, but it totally kills the fun of the game and this is certainly something I would not do again. Did you ever boosted your characters and how did that effected your gameplay?

Also, as a side question, I'm planning on making a new character and I have trouble choosing a race for my necromancer character. Which race is the best for a necromancer build, Breton or Dunmer?

Thank you for your support.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:41 pm

That's why you have to be careful with the glitch. Experiment with it until you have okay numbers.

As for race, the Bretons have the largest boost.
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:56 am

This is why the FortRes Loop needs to be managed with a little thought beforehand. Knowing where you want to stop so that the percentages don't get too high is very important.

Some people like to play as Gods, therefore getting those bonuses up extremely high is what they're looking for.

Then there are those of us who simply want a little more "oomph" in their equipment than anything you could buy or find in loot would normally give.

The important thing to remember is that it isn't the loop's fault. A little pre-planning before hitting an Alchemy/Enchanting/Smithing station goes a long way towards responsible use of the loop.

As for your second question: Personally, I am highly biased towards Dunmer. While a Breton comes with a nice defense against Magick, their Skills don't start out as high in the Magickal arts. Personally, I say Dunmer is the way to go.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:41 am

Valuable lesson that.

Every game ever made can be 'exploited'...which invariably takes all the fun out of the game. Finding an exploit provides a very cool charge of 'what a discovery' least until you tell someone about it and they say 'oh everyone knows that one'...but using them generally just ruins an otherwise good game.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:02 pm

I love the restoration loop and I do not see it as a glitch.

I use it enough so my weapons deal enough damage to kill most enemies in 1-3 hits. high level draugr and dragons take a lot more hits though so I'm thinking of making a sepreate weapon set for killing them in 3 hits.

So I am not OP, I do not upgrade health or stamina and only pick magicka, even for non mages.
I also play legendary DiD.

The Restoration loop is a very important for my character builds.
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:47 pm


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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:03 am

So I'm not too OP and I like the challenge of DiD rules.
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:38 pm

Fair enough...I'm just not sure I see the point...set to legendary to make enemies 'more challenging' by making giant damage sponges out of them, then use the loop to superpower the weapons so the giant damage sponges can be killed as if they weren't turned into giant damage sponges in the first place. If the difficulty setting increased the challenge by giving enemies access to better combat AI it might make more immediate sense to me I guess.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:29 am

On lower difficulties they are too weak so putting them on legendary makes them powerful so then I even it out by making powerful weapons.

basically I'm just increasing the chances of being killed.
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:47 pm

I always boost my sorceress, but not to the point of 1-hit kills. I only boost the things that are important to me such as

Carry Weight and Sneak

The rest I do not bother with.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:46 am

I only wanted to have a black robe which has the same Magicka Regen like a master robe, thats all. Lesson learned. :confused:

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:51 pm

You can still have one, just be carefull how strong you make your potions. Make your potions weaker by judging the amount of % you have.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:48 pm

If anything the Bretons get better bonuses for the magical arts than the Dunmer, although it depends which magical art you consider the most important.

Bretons get +10 Conjuration which is useful for a necromancer as better summoning spells will be available sooner.

Altmer get +50 magicka which is useful for casting those expensive summoning spells.

For a necromancer Dunmer come 3rd IMO from the pov of which has the best starting bonuses.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:06 am

Agreed, I'm sure the developers didn't intentionally put this glitch in the game and I certainly wouldn't use it. I really can't see the benefit of making the game ridiculously easy and I'd rather have some sort of challenge. I'm surprised the glitch wasn't removed with the Oghma infinium glitch on the last patch in all honesty.
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:30 pm

I agree sir. They should eliminate that glitch, just like they eliminated the Oghma Infinium book glitch. And I agree, I also need some degree of difficulty in my game play. Making it too easy takes the fun from the game. It has to be challenging...why else play. :shakehead:

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:09 am

I purposely boosted one of my characters for pure RP reasons. My DB wore the following when out and about adventuring the whole purpose being (from an RP standpoint) to fool the enemy, like the Thalmor, into thinking the DB was nothing but a lowly humanoid without a septim to his name and absolutely no threat. Then....BAM they found out just how wrong they were! muahahahahaha :devil: He was the best RP fun ever. When I'd go to the Alchemist Shack I would don my "merchant gear" and go to town to sell items completely devastating Belethor with my incredible bargaining skills or I would walk into Arcadia's place with my "alchemy gear" and create one potion that would completely pay for everything she had in her inventory!

Ragged Cap (102% Fort Destro, 102% Fort Illusion)

Roughspun Tunic (102% Fort Conj, 102% Fort Resto)

Gloves (102% Fort Arch, 102% Sneak)

Fur Shoes (armor capped) (102% Fort Sneak, Muffle)

Silver Necklace (102% Fort Alteration, Waterbreathing)

Silver Ring (102% Magic Resist, Mag Regen)

Long Bow (512 dmg, Paralyze 30 sec, Soul Trap 30 sec)

Iron Daggers both (512 dmg) one ~217 Frost Dmg, 217 Fire Dmg, the other ~217 Shock Dmg, Absorb health

Greatest thing about TES is you can play the game however you want, even IF you never want to play it "that" way again! :tes:

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:30 am

Sounds like you learnt a lesson the hard way which is tough. When I played as a pure mage I just double enchanted all my gear with grand soul gems and a enhance enchanting potion which made him powerful enough. I'm not sure if you're aware of it or not but you can wear a circlet with the mages hood and obviously double enchant that too, certainly helps a pure mage to compete with the harder enemies at higher levels.
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:27 pm

I had one character wich i boosted with the oghma infinium or something like that to max level... I deleted the character after 2 hours because it just wasnt fun anymore

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:30 pm

I don't generally expect these things to be patched out. Players tend to regulate them out anyway...notice in this thread pretty much every response is about using it in some measured way or not using it at all.

As I first said, it seems like there is at least on potentially game breaking exploit in every game. That's what gives the game websites something to put on their 'hints cheats and exploits' pages. I'd rather patches be aimed at fixing things where the work around is a lot harder than just ignoring an exploit.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:33 am

TES games just are not meant to be balanced or meant to be played the way it was meant to be played. It's the freedom that makes the series great. The Skyrim devs really know very well that you could:

1. Find a trap that deals damage, like the swinging axe.

2. Use it to deal damage to you

3. Use restoration to heal you

4. Repeat step 2 and 3 when your health and magicka are recharged enough

and thus get your light and/or heavy armor skill and restoration skill to 100 in Bleak Falls Barrows...

They could never patch that out, so it's not a problem to have other weird 'glitches' that can be abused. I personally never play like this, but still love Skyrim to have these things. The fact that it can be done is awesome to me, where most games are very swallow, so you can only do what the devs tell you to do.

There are games that just simulate a world, and as long as you can build some serious stuff in the game, amazing things can happen in the community (Minecraft, etc.).

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:49 pm

What you're describing here is grinding skills to level them up, the Oghma Infinium glitch was something completely different as is the restoration loop.
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:03 am

What I decribed, was that there is no use for developers to remove glitches that give people overpowered stats somehow, if the basics of the game allow people to do similar things. The game was designed to give the player great freedom, and so they succeeded very well. I didn't expect them to actually patch the Oghma Infinium glitch at all, but they did for some reason. You can also powerlevel sneak and one or two handed in Helgen by sneakattacking the imperial or stormcloal dude you run along with when he is croaching in that bearspot. I never do such things, but I know the developers also don't bother with this stuff.

GTA 4 had this glitch that could send cars and objects flying across the map by a swingset... players loved it, because it was fun. Totally out of place and a huge glitch, but it never got patched. Some people even believe it was put there by the devs on purpose, just to give the players some more fun (like using funny cheats in games your bored with).

In MY opinion, Bethesda doesn't care if some people go look for glitches and abuse something in this game, since it is a singleplayer game. In the end it's the gameplay fun that matters. As long as some people play with glithces for fun, it's actually better to not patch it. Like someone before said nicely: I never will use fast travel, but it's great to have it in the game, so other players who like fast travel can use it.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:40 am

I never boost/grind. For me the character is the most fun during the build up of his power/skill.

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Kari Depp
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:43 am

It's not a glitch though.

It's a loop that uses legit in-game math and bonus stacking.

Which is why they didn't fix it when they fixed the Oghma Infinium (which was an actual glitch).

the Fortify restoration loop is working exactly as it should. It's up to personal preference whether or not you utilize it.

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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:20 am

My goal with the Fortify Restoration loop is two-fold:

1) Allow lower-tiered gear I like to use to be serviceable (especially the stuff that doesn't get a perk boost)

2) Create enchantments that reduce my spell cost by 100%. Exactly 100%.

That's the tricky thing: Getting your potions to be at exactly the right level. The magic number for those enchantments is Fortify Enchanting at 379%, if you use a great soul, have 100 in Enchanting, and have taken all the perks in the middle part of the Enchanting tree (including the 5 at the base). The hard part is boosting to exactly 379%. I still haven't figured out what level your Fortify Alchemy boost has to be yet, or how powerful the Fortify Restoration potions have to be to get them there. Every time I've done this, I've spent 4 hours or more trying to perfect the formula, and get it exactly right.

That's the fun of it for the loop for me. It isn't so much the actual act of using the stuff you've created, but powering them to exactly the right level you want. It's incredibly frustrating to get a potion at 378% or 380%, knowing that you'll have to start mixing and matching enchanting gear all over again because you were off by one, which makes your success all the greater.

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