While I really enjoy playing Skyrim, (and the other Elder Scrolls games, for that matter)
I've always wondered why there are so few different kinds of weapons and armors.
Most of the time I will play the game till lvl 25 perhaps, and then I have the same armor/weapon set
for 5-10 levels more before I get something that is better. And it is always easy to figure out which
item is better, since there is not a lot of effects to each item..
I'm just wondering why they don't adopt a more detailed system like they have in the Diablo series or
Borderlands, where you get more randomized weapons. I think that really enhances the experience of
building your gear and your character. I know that these games have their focus on the getting-better-items part,
but I still think Elder Scrolls could improve from getting a more exciting gear system.
Do you agree, or how would you like the gear mechanism in the game to work?