So after finally being able to restart a game, I CTD when the BoS fly over Fort Hagen right of the Kellog encounter. So I start a new play and asap head for Cambridge, only to yip you guessed it CTD ar 42 feet away, tried and old save on a old SS and can not get into power armor, or fast travel, so I do the whole dumpinputenablelayers, and yip there it is BoS is the issue.
So question now is do I muck around with the Minute men and Diamond City avoiding Nick Valentine, join the railroad ect well pretty much steer clear of the main quest till this supposedly amazing patch release or can I do the Main,
Got the game on launch day and furthermost i have gotten mainquest wise is Kelloge due to the CTD and restarting like 8x
You can post minor spoilers if needed to explain but nothing major please