OK fine you talked me into it, but how are the writers going to make me loose my weapons and pa so Im not a walking tank?????
If placed right the guys with the ballistic fists can kill me easily, because I won t just shoot up everything I have while I m getting the crap beat out of me. Those are the only ones I can see being a threat.
I don t really like being a walking tank at the begining of a dlc. I still want to slaughter all but the slaves though at some point.
How do you think they can take my weapons and pa with out it being dumb.
Well I had an idea for a Legion DLC.
You start with the usual crappy intro of a radio signal asking where the hell (let's say his name is Leslie) Leslie is.
The Courier then gets curious or whatever as to what these people want, maybe he can help them.
As you arrive to a bunker you meet Leslie who was just about to go in.
At this point you get your first choice to kill him and act as if you're him (since the people inside do not know how he looks like) or to team up with him and meet the people in the bunker.
When inside you meet a couple of people from the Shi.
Apparently Legion when they conquered a tribe made a scientist from the Shi a slave.
They want to bring him back since he holds useful data.
At this point you get your next choice, you can kill the people and take their notes to go to Legion town (Let's say it's name is Junkville.) or you can travel with them.
No matter your rep all of you will disguise yourselves as legionnaires. But since this town checks everyone coming in and out for smuggled goods (including legionnaires, you have to relieve of your gear back at the bunker.
Here is the next choice, you can choose to take everything with your or leave everything back at the bunker.
As you roll up to a Legion town with a big caravan lots of things can happen.
If you're pro Legion you can turn the others in to a guard, the Shi will all be killed but if you left Leslie alive then he'll run away and return later as a boss at some point.
At that point you can meet up with the Legion leader and hear about some underground rebellion that he wants to shut down.
He can't go door to door as it would cause chaos in the town and would not be good for citizen morale.
So you have to go a detective route to find them out.
You can always just ditch him and go wild card or find this rebellion yourself.
If you're anti-Legion then at the caravan search you can get in with the others and go straight to the rebellion.
If you choose to go against the rebellion at this point then when you tell the legionnaire in charge of the town the rebellion will move to a different area. (But lots of members will still be killed)
If you chose to keep your gear then at the caravan search you will be taken in for questioning or you have to go wild card as every legionnare in the town will be against you. Teaming up with the rebellion will also make this harder.
So you get the choice to bring your own gear in, but it's not adviced as things will be harder.
This way you get to help Legion, the rebellion or go wild card.
A way for all players to enjoy the DLC.

This is of course not perfect, it's just a quick draft.
Just saying that it's quite possible to create a good Legion DLC.