The Western Brotherhood, the Outcasts and especially the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood do not steal technology from others, at least not usually. They salvage technology, try to redevelop lost tech, and are usually isolationistic, keeping to themselves and not really caring about the fate of others unless it affects them.
They always did have potential to become selfish, fanatical tech hoarders, as demonstrated in the "Steel Plague" ending for Fallout 1 (deemed non-canon by Fallout 2), and Jeremy Maxson's war against the NCR in Van Buren, although we do not know how much of Van Buren Bethesda considers canon.
Did you read this page? I think it sums up the Brotherhood pretty well:
While they're generally not hostile to others without a good reason, members of the Brotherhood are not interested in justice for the obviously weaker and less fortunate around them. They largely focus on keeping their secrecy and preserving and developing technology, which, in many cases, they put above human life. Their motives are often unclear, and Brotherhood members are not people to be trifled with. It is safe to say, however, that if a group of Brotherhood Paladins appears to be helping some less fortunate people, their motives are not altruistic.
The Brotherhood doesn't like to share their choicest technological bits, despite the obvious benefits their technology could bring to the wasteland. It's commonly accepted within the Brotherhood that the people of the wasteland are not responsible enough to use (and maintain) all of the technology the BOS has at their disposal. They are known for trading some of their technologies with frontier communities and NCR states in exchange for food and other resources, but they keep the more sensitive technologies to themselves.
A month ago, I began to read the history of the Fallout universe on The Vault wiki site. I found the Western BoS to be the same *if not worse*, but the Midwestern BoS seemed to be the less into hoarding and more into doing what is right by humanity.
Is the Western Brotherhood considered fascist, selfish, or just disgraceful?
If anyone is fascist, it's the Midwestern Brotherhood, with their subjugation of local villages, enlisting tribals into their army by force, labor camps and Inquisition.
And if anything, the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel is too altruistic compared to their Western counterparts (which is why the Outcasts left Lyons). You seem spoiled by fantasy universes with goody-two-shoes knightly orders

. Fallout is not such a universe, it is supposed to be more about shades of gray.