BOS vs. Legion

Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:07 am

Weren't the Spetznaz proved to be the worlds top special force? If not I know they're up there though.

Also Paladin, the fighthers in the Legion themselves aren't slaves. They have experience. They are trained to their hardest every single day. They fight eachother in blood to the point of almost killing one another ( and at times they do) to prove who's the better warrior. They have enough mental strength to not go " man, [censored] this I'm out" and believe me it takes ALOT to be pushed to your hardest every single day. It takes mental strength to not just give up. Legionairies are loyal, devoted to what they do and who they do it for. They will not back down, even in the thoughest times. If that's not mental strength, then I don't know what is.

Yes the Spetznaz was proven the best but i think its a load of bull.

Anyways. All those head strong leginonarys are in the front is mindless grunts who cant think for themselves. The BOS paladin can think ahead of time and utilize his own skills and do better than the enemy. Just because they get orders doenst meant there mindless zombies and follow them.
@Emjay your more than welcome to take this to PM's....
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:20 am

They are far from emulating the Romans.

Give your BEST reason why the legion would win(Other than numbers)

Once more.
Because they are in the position to engage in a long term siege, isolating and crippling their opponent.
Because every shot the brotherhood fires makes em weaker, because every casualty they take is irreplacable because they do not allow new recruits. Because they get no new supplies, no reinforcements.
Veronica even says so.

I have said it a million times too by now.

They are not far from emulating the Romans. They are horribly close. Their tactics on conquering the New vegas area are exactly, exactly the same as when the Romans conquered southern Europa. Shock and awe. Join us or die. Think you joined us, become slaves.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:42 pm

I don't give a [censored]. The RMC are the Green berets. They are the best trained force in the world; mentally and physically. Im fed up of Americans thinking they are the only damned country in this world we live. Learn about others cultures and their positives and negatives. I just don't see how you think the BOS are anything like a special force. The legion are almost identical, the BOS are like your average hillbillie who have stashed stolen weaponry in the back of their stolen trucks.

It's time for somebody to take a break from the forums! Looks like we've got into your head, matey. Why don't you go outside for a while and get some sun, because you've surely lost your mind in here.
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:42 am


People thinking that one bunker full of soldiers would beat a massive army. :rolleyes:

The Legion would destroy the Brotherhood. The NCR would destroy the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is not an association of invincible badasses. It is a small, elitist clan that is declining rapidly.

One dead Legionary is nothing to CL, one dead Paladin is a devastation.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:02 pm

Complete idiot! The royal marine commandos are the best trained special force arguably in the world. They are the Green Berets!!!!!!!!!!
F.Y.I, they are equalt to your Navy SEALS; but more superior. They are the rank below the S.A.S

Im leaving this thread till somebody with war experience comes in because most of you are just childish dingbats.

Be careful about bringing up a comparison between armed forces. This is not the place. Do NOT talk about men and women in the service like you're comparing them to factions in the game. They are brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. Don't you dare degrade them to the point of saying "Oh they're better than so-and-so."
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:06 am

Once more.
Because they are in the position to engage in a long term siege, isolating and crippling their opponent.
Because every shot the brotherhood fires makes em weaker, because every casualty they take is irreplacable because they do not allow new recruits. Because they get no new supplies, no reinforcements.
Veronica even says so.

I have said it a million times too by now.

I already no that they take no recruits. They can get supplies but under war im not sure. I dont think you reliaze that the Legionary grunts are under equpieed to take upon the BOS paladins there no way there week weapons will penetrate there armor. By the time they get a shot off the BOS paladins could have 5 legionarys in the ground spilled in blood. The BOS can MOVE out of there position by moving forward and pushing them back to the fort.

@Sir stabs alot this is PRE helios one they had far more numbers than they did post...

( Would like if someone would do a Battle of a 5v30 BOS vs. Legionarys skrimish and see who wins...)(mod perhaps)
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sarah taylor
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:39 am

Ill say my piece and leave like a dignified human because this argument is full of dis-informed biased anger.
The Legion - Trained from birth as killers, Mentally and Physically strong, very strong. Their equipment is considered weak, but one mans weak is another mans preference. They use armor and weaponry suited to their fighting style.

The Brotherhood Of Steel - Hidden away and uses simulaton to train themselves :facepalm: the best warriors gain strength and honor through experience. Its like you guys saying yeah i could fire any gun on Fallout in real life. They have incredibly advanced weaponry and armor; but its not suited to the surroundings, the economic status or certain opponents. They just say ''ooo shiny, ill take this and equip it''
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:42 pm

I already no that they take no recruits. They can get supplies but under war im not sure. I dont think you reliaze that the Legionary grunts are under equpieed to take upon the BOS paladins there no way there week weapons will penetrate there armor. By the time they get a shot off the BOS paladins could have 5 legionarys in the ground spilled in blood. The BOS can MOVE out of there position by moving forward and pushing them back to the fort.

I've seen Legionaries with AMRs, more than capable. And additionally, the Paladins would be swarmed to the point that multiple Legonaries could flank them, or even close the gap, jump on them, knock them over and chop through a weak point on the armor like the neck.

Power Armor =/= invincibility.

Even Pre Helios One, its a joke. We're talking about thousands upon thousands upon thousands of men, against a couple hundred, tops. Ever seen 300? Yeah the 300 Spartans kill a lot of Persians but they are eventually killed anyway.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:59 pm

Be careful about bringing up a comparison between armed forces. This is not the place. Do NOT talk about men and women in the service like you're comparing them to factions in the game. They are brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. Don't you dare degrade them to the point of saying "Oh they're better than so-and-so."

I dont understand this. Are you saying all armed forces are equal? (if so why are you even in this thread comparing two armed forces in-game) that's even more rude. My family has been in the military for generations as am i, to even bring that [censored] up is completely out of order.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:56 pm

Once more.
Because they are in the position to engage in a long term siege, isolating and crippling their opponent.
Because every shot the brotherhood fires makes em weaker, because every casualty they take is irreplacable because they do not allow new recruits. Because they get no new supplies, no reinforcements.
Veronica even says so.

I have said it a million times too by now.

And we've said it a million and one more and you aren't getting it. The Legion doesn't possess the ability to hurt the Brotherhood. It just isn't there. You can whine and cry and pout about it all you want. Go ahead be my guest. You can even lose your mind and start being racist like your buddy in this argument. But it won't change the facts. A bunch of goofballs in skirts carrying lawn mower blades don't posses the ability to hurt tanks. End of story. There's just nothing beyond that. That's where it ends my friend. The Legion doesn't possess the ability to damage Brotherhood soldiers. The best they could hope for is an insurgency, which is completely useless for a faction that is wants to take the offensive. The Brotherhood will stay in their safe areas, and slaughter the Legion when it comes, or they will mow down any Legion in their way when they are in an offensive movement. I don't know where you and your buddy get the idea that the Brotherhood are gonna throw on shirts and slacks and take nice leisurely trips through Legion territory.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:16 am

I've seen Legionaries with AMRs, more than capable. And additionally, the Paladins would be swarmed to the point that multiple Legonaries could flank them, or even close the gap, jump on them, knock them over and chop through a weak point on the armor like the neck.

Power Armor =/= invincibility.

There is not just one power armor soldier there are many. How are they going to jump on them when theres Gatling lasers shooting them up.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:22 am

I dont understand this. Are you saying all armed forces are equal? (if so why are you even in this thread comparing two armed forces in-game) that's even more rude. My family has been in the military for generations as am i, to even bring that [censored] up is completely out of order.

PM's Please this is not the place...
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:59 am

Did Captain cook have power armor and a gatling laser?

Compared to what those Hawaiians must've had, yes.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:29 pm

I already no that they take no recruits. They can get supplies but under war im not sure. I dont think you reliaze that the Legionary grunts are under equpieed to take upon the BOS paladins there no way there week weapons will penetrate there armor. By the time they get a shot off the BOS paladins could have 5 legionarys in the ground spilled in blood. The BOS can MOVE out of there position by moving forward and pushing them back to the fort.

@Sir stabs alot this is PRE helios one they had far more numbers than they did post...

( Would like if someone would do a Battle of a 5v30 BOS vs. Legionarys skrimish and see who wins...)(mod perhaps)

In the New Vegas game at the start I dont think any one faction is equiped to handle the brotherhood.
But at the end someone will have Hoover Dam.
House will destroy the brotherhood before that, I dont know, I havent played the other lines yet.
But no matter what, after the Hoover Dam battle a new dominant force will be wanting to consolidate its power and will be in the position to wage a long term war on the brotherhood.
One isolated and small faction simply does not stand a chance against a numerological superior opponent who utilses strategy at least as well as they do.
And while one can say the NCR is more diplomatic, the legion sure is led by a strategist.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:37 pm

I dont understand this. Are you saying all armed forces are equal? (if so why are you even in this thread comparing two armed forces in-game) that's even more rude. My family has been in the military for generations as am i, to even bring that [censored] up is completely out of order.

It's interesting.
All you've done in this thread is talk about how whatever side of anything you support is better than anything else, and then when someone gives you factual based arguments, you piss and moan and throw a tempur-tantrum and scream about how they're being biased of all things.

Anything I like is the best and you better accept that!! Or your just blinded to the truth!!!

Durr Durr. :spotted owl:
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:07 pm

I dont understand this. Are you saying all armed forces are equal? (if so why are you even in this thread comparing two armed forces in-game) that's even more rude. My family has been in the military for generations as am i, to even bring that [censored] up is completely out of order.

Maybe you don't understand. You're not talking about historical battles, or AI. You are talking about REAL people. This is not the place for that, and I am (kindly) asking you to knock it off.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:22 pm

IMO If bos is defending helios cl will be slaughtered.
1. Lore wise bos pa is designed to resist small arm fire
2. cl does not have the weapons to put out enough covering fire to effect bos paladins.
3 bos has a number of gauss rifles that 1 shot legion recruits, and 2 or 3 shot Legion vets.
4 the pa is a machine that makes men stronger. bos is trained in melee and unarmed. A forearm of pa is a weapon.
5 The only people in cl that could sway the battle are Ceasers personal guards and Centurions, but Ceasers personal guards will not be there, and Centurions seem to be small in number.

IMO Bos would kill so many cl so fast they would call off the attack.

If cl commited 100 000 men they would win with about 60 000 dead, but I fully believe 100 bos paladins kill kill 25 000 cl from a defensive position.

Remember 6 British S.A.S. killed over 200 Iraqi before Desert Storm after their mission was compromised. 3 died 2 were captured and 1 escaped. Training, experience and weapons make a huge difference.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:06 pm

In the New Vegas game at the start I dont think any one faction is equiped to handle the brotherhood.
But at the end someone will have Hoover Dam.
House will destroy the brotherhood before that, I dont know, I havent played the other lines yet.
But no matter what, after the Hoover Dam battle a new dominant force will be wanting to consolidate its power and will be in the position to wage a long term war on the brotherhood.
One isolated and small faction simply does not stand a chance against a numerological superior opponent who utilses strategy at least as well as they do.
And while one can say the NCR is more diplomatic, the legion sure is led by a strategist.

For god sake. Im talking about Pre Helios one...PRE HELIOS ONE...PRE. Not post. House cant destroy the brotherhood unless he gets the courier and since were talking about pre that has not yet happened.

Not to mention you said something not hardly relating to my answer for you to counter.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:02 am

There is not just one power armor soldier there are many. How are they going to jump on them when theres Gatling lasers shooting them up.

Like I said, thousands upon thousands of men. Think about the actual situation in your head rather than just thinking "Gatling Lasers, pew pew dead bodies!" We are talking about a mob of people throwing themselves because of what they believe in. The Brotherhood would run out of ammo before the Legion gives up.

Also, more importantly, look at the area that CL covers. They have the resources to adapt to combat with the Brotherhood. There are plenty of weapons capable of punching through PA that would be located in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado etc.

The Legion is an army. The Brotherhood is a small organization. Thats the pivotal difference.

And also, the Brotherhood is hardly "well-trained". These are people that are used to getting their way through intimidation. They are not invincible war champions. 100 Paladins would be crushed by 10000 Legionaries tops.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:15 pm

They have no vertibirds, they are one solitary and isolated chapter.
It doesnt matter if each time the legion suffers heavy casualties. Any casualty by the brotherhood is irreplacable. Its simple math.

"Standing around" lol, for someone who has the gall to ask about my grip of tactics you sure display none.
Read up on sieges.
Learn how sieges are always succesful, and why.

In other words, get a level of common understanding I believe every 15 yr old should have or sue his school.

Ah, glad i saw this post.
Haha....Name-calling...and then proceeding to call me childish...You know what? Your just like your friend..
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:49 pm

The BOS would get creamed.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:26 am

Ah, glad i saw this post.
Haha....Name-calling...and then proceeding to call me childish...You know what? Your just like your friend..

Grow the [censored] up please.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:12 am

IMO If bos is defending helios cl will be slaughtered.
1. Lore wise bos pa is designed to resist small arm fire
2. cl does not have the weapons to put out enough covering fire to effect bos paladins.
3 bos has a number of gauss rifles that 1 shot legion recruits, and 2 or 3 shot Legion vets.
4 the pa is a machine that makes men stronger. bos is trained in melee and unarmed. A forearm of pa is a weapon.
5 The only people in cl that could sway the battle are Ceasers personal guards and Centurions, but Ceasers personal guards will not be there, and Centurions seem to be small in number.

IMO Bos would kill so many cl so fast they would call off the attack.

If cl commited 100 000 men they would win with about 60 000 dead, but I fully believe 100 bos paladins kill kill 25 000 cl from a defensive position.

Remember 6 British S.A.S. killed over 200 Iraqi before Desert Storm after their mission was compromised. 3 died 2 were captured and 1 escaped. Training, experience and weapons make a huge difference.

But But green hat..
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dean Cutler
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:48 pm

And we've said it a million and one more and you aren't getting it. The Legion doesn't possess the ability to hurt the Brotherhood. It just isn't there. You can whine and cry and pout about it all you want. Go ahead be my guest. You can even lose your mind and start being racist like your buddy in this argument. But it won't change the facts. A bunch of goofballs in skirts carrying lawn mower blades don't posses the ability to hurt tanks. End of story. There's just nothing beyond that. That's where it ends my friend. The Legion doesn't possess the ability to damage Brotherhood soldiers. The best they could hope for is an insurgency, which is completely useless for a faction that is wants to take the offensive. The Brotherhood will stay in their safe areas, and slaughter the Legion when it comes, or they will mow down any Legion in their way when they are in an offensive movement. I don't know where you and your buddy get the idea that the Brotherhood are gonna throw on shirts and slacks and take nice leisurely trips through Legion territory.

This only makes sense if you selectively ignore history.
Such as Hannibal and Rome or Cook and the hawaians.

Youre actually very wrong. Its all about supply chains and durability in a long term siege war.
It does not matter if it takes 100 legionaires to kill one brotherhood soldier. The brotherhood soldier cannot be replaced.
More legionaires come in every day.
Cut off their supplies, make them dependant on reactor power and water/ protein recycling.
Ceasar can wait. They are not going to get reinforcements.
Even if it is David against Goliath, David only has to win once. Goliath has to win a thousand times.

A tiger will lose from a 1000 rats, if the rats are desperate enough.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:19 am

Like I said, thousands upon thousands of men. Think about the actual situation in your head rather than just thinking "Gatling Lasers, pew pew dead bodies!" We are talking about a mob of people throwing themselves because of what they believe in. The Brotherhood would run out of ammo before the Legion gives up.

Also, more importantly, look at the area that CL covers. They have the resources to adapt to combat with the Brotherhood. There are plenty of weapons capable of punching through PA that would be located in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado etc.

The Legion is an army. The Brotherhood is a small organization. Thats the pivotal difference.

1. The legion would have to find this weaponry which they do NOT have other than the .50 cal and thats in limit supply.
2. Ever seen a Gattling gun or even a Maxim gun? Putting hundereds of rounds down range in a matter of seconds does major damage. They would be mincemeat.
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