BOS vs. Legion

Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:51 pm

Actually the Fat Man would be a potent offensive weapon, essentially making a small area uninhabitable to the Rad-away challanged Legion.

This would only become relevant if the BOS would engage in guerilla tactics. Considering that they have the Reacon Armor they might be somewhat effective at this tactic.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:30 pm

I'm done. This argument is impossible. Hollywood really has made people believe that heroes are invincible. :rolleyes:

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Big Homie
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:12 pm

I take all of Merari's arguments and use them as my own (didn't get that copyright in fast enough).

And, as Styles said, remember WWII? The Soviets defeated the Germans, even though the Germans had better training and materiel. It came down to numbers and resources.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:57 pm

1. You do relize you cant pick up dead bodys and take there supplies and food right?
2. Yah in a mob guess what? The BOS paladins have power fists and are capble of flying people across places...
3. What supply lines do the BOS have...all they have is patrols they sent out to get food and there covert.
Remember the Commanders: BOS: Elder Elijah Head paladin- Hardin. Legion: Ceaser. Military commander- Graham.

1) Legion have crap weapons isn't that your case? Why would BoS take them? Legion are mostly melee, so little to no ammo and they don't use energy weapons so no energy cells for BoS to take. As for food. Simple don't let your troops have food and water with them during an attack. BoS going to eat the dead?

2) Wow they are going to punch thousands of people to death? Did not work when they fought NCR.

3) You are right they have no supply lines, all that much easier to cut them off from what little supplies they have. BoS don't send out people in PA to get supplies. Simple reason, everyone hates them. Unarmered troops sent to get food, easy pickings for the Legion.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:49 pm

You paint them as gods while in reality they are inbred conservative people not willing to make any decision that has no precedents. They cannot ressuply and they sure as hell cannot outnumber. The moment Caesar surrounds the valley the fight is lost, though the actual siege could take a decade or two.

And you think that the BOS wouldnt be smart enough to start getting out of there postions and attacking. Not to mention in a DECADE the number of dead legionaries would be high.

Remember what would Graham do.

What would Elijah do/ Hardin.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:54 pm



This is.. New Vegas!
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:13 pm

This thread has really gotten out of hand. To many people blinded by ignorancy( is that even a word? you know what I mean).
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El Goose
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:13 pm

The Legion argument makes no sense.

The United States Military would beat North Korea and China combined even though both countries have larger militaries. The United States army isn't even that more tech-advanced than those two countries.

It's because the U.S. strategy, command structure, training, and technology is better. Much like the Brotherhood of Steel.

Oh no they got a million infantry ! Oh no we got B-1 bombers and Raptors and special forces up the wazoo....
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:35 pm

This thread has really gotten out of hand. To many people blinded by ignorancy( is that even a word? you know what I mean).

Thats life my friend.
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SWagg KId
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:23 am

The Legion argument makes no sense.

The United States Military would beat North Korea and China combined even though both countries have larger militaries. The United States army isn't even that more tech-advanced than those two countries.

It's because the U.S. strategy, command structure, training, and technology is better. Much like the Brotherhood of Steel.

Oh no they got a million infantry ! Oh no we got B-1 bombers and Raptors and special forces up the wazoo....

Im actually 100% certain the Chinese army says the opposite and with some justification.
Would the US really win? Lets not speculate, it is a scary thought they might not and either way it would be very, very bad.
The Korean army also says the opposite, but, well..
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:21 pm

1) Legion have crap weapons isn't that your case? Why would BoS take them? Legin are mostly melee little ammo and they don't use energy weapons so no energy cells for BoS to take. As foor food. Simple don't let your troops have food and water with them during an attack. BoS going to eat the dead?

2) Wow they are going to punch thousands of people to death? Did not work when they fought NCR.

3) You are right they have no supply lines, all that much easier to cut them off from what little supplies they have. BoS don't send out people in PA to get supplies. Simple reason, everyone hates them. Unarmered troops sent to get food, easy pickings for the Legion.

1. True but if you run out of ammo for your gun are you simply going to sit there and get taken over? I wouldnt use the enemys weapons. Nevertheless the BOS does have power fists.
2. Point taken.
3. When the "supply lines" get whiff of whats going on they woulndt be found or make a scene to get caught. Kinda a assumtion "everyone hates them" NCR doesnt that much or they would have them killed of after you tried to make a truce. hates them. Yes man doesnt care. CL doesnt seem all that interested. Enclave remanents IDK. Boomers dont know. Great khans unsure.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:33 am

i think ill make a mod which involves this very argument and distribute it to you guys :celebration:
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:03 am

The Legion argument makes no sense.

The United States Military would beat North Korea and China combined even though both countries have larger militaries. The United States army isn't even that more tech-advanced than those two countries.

It's because the U.S. strategy, command structure, training, and technology is better. Much like the Brotherhood of Steel.

Oh no they got a million infantry ! Oh no we got B-1 bombers and Raptors and special forces up the wazoo....

Too bad the Brotherhood doesn't have all those things up the wazoo, they have limited numbers which after a fight on the ground cut off from supplies and surrounded starts to affect you after awhile.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:33 pm

NCR won against the Mojave BoS. Therefore the Legion can as well. Now can anyone tell me why they can't without some crap reason like "the Legion wear skirts and only have melee weapons."

NCR's main weapons is one of the worst pieces of crap in the game and their armour is no better then the common legion armour. Better since they have more freedom of movement. Common NCR armour is no better at stopping Gauss Weapons and Lazer Gattlings then Legion Armour.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:49 am

i think ill make a mod which involves this very argument and distribute it to you guys :celebration:

Lol i know i said that 4 pages ago. Make it 5 BOS vs. 20-30 Legionaries.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:34 pm

Fancy toys does not always = Victory. Germany had the best weapons of WW2 (for the most part ) and they lost for many reason but it pretty much boils down to: Out numbered greatly.

Legion have far more men then Mojave BoS have bullets.

I can't understand how people seem fine with NCR winning against the Mojave BoS but the Legion, there is no damn way? Why is that? Because they wear skirts? :rolleyes:

German lost because they fought on too many front at one time and got to thin. If Hitler never attacked Russia and took England wwll would have been a different story.

The bos will not be fighting on multiple fronts. They will be 1 shoting cl guys wity little return fire. CL are horrible shots too. They barely ever hit me. NCR hits me....... Bos hits me......... CL has no chance unless the commit everyman they have at one time. 20 000 cl will not get it done. Then another 20 000 will not get it done. bos recycles ammo.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:32 pm

Oh no they got a million infantry ! Oh no we got B-1 bombers and Raptors and special forces up the wazoo....

Oh no the Legion got 100,000 guys with machetes and skirts ! Oh no the Brotherhood has mini-nukes, gatling lasers, miniguns, tri-beam laser rifles, gauss rifles, missile launchers T-51b and T-45d power armor.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:46 pm

This thread has really gotten out of hand. To many people blinded by ignorancy( is that even a word? you know what I mean).

It's ignorance. Adding the y would change the adjective: ignorant, to a noun, the thing they have too much of. And I do agree, some of posts here have devolved into: "I AM RIGHT! YOU ARE STUPID! STUPID!"
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:41 pm

You seem to be assuming some sort of omnipotence here while in game it is said that the brotherhood suffered a loss of 1 against 10 when they fought the NCR.
The NCR is not as callous with the lives of their troops as the legion and so the number of casualties against the legion would no doubt be higher, but the strikes they did make would hurt the bortherhood more as the legion is led by a brilliant strategist.

They would not lose thousands of troops isolating the bunker.
Twenty on every brotherhood soldier, possibly, and that is a loss easily taken when you are fighting a siege war with the hive mentality of the legion troops.

You paint them as gods while in reality they are inbred conservative people not willing to make any decision that has no precedents. They cannot ressuply and they sure as hell cannot outnumber. The moment Caesar surrounds the valley the fight is lost, though the actual siege could take a decade or two.

You act as if those Brotherhood soldiers won't be shooting back as those Legion troops are running at them flailing with their hands in the air..
And, for the millionth time, what is a Legionnaire going to do when he actually get's to the Paladin? It would take mobs of Legionnaires to even take a Paladin in PA down, and by the times a bunch of them got there, that one Paladin could have very well taken down a hundred troops with his Gatling Laser or Minigun or Fatman or whatever he please. Now when you consider that this would be the story for each and every Paladin, your looking at thousands upon thousand of losses for the Legion. A Legion would cease to exist even if they "won." The few troops that remained would simply be prey for whoever had a grudge against them. And, news flash, The Legion doesn't have the same amount of troops NCR does. That's canon my friend..
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:40 am

Oh no the Legion got 100,000 guys with machetes and skirts ! Oh no the Brotherhood has mini-nukes, gatling lasers, miniguns, tri-beam laser rifles, gauss rifles, missile launchers T-51b and T-45d power armor.

Nothing wrong with a machete and a skirt.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:46 am

Oh no the Legion got 100,000 guys with machetes and skirts ! Oh no the Brotherhood has mini-nukes, gatling lasers, miniguns, tri-beam laser rifles, gauss rifles, missile launchers T-51b and T-45d power armor.


What happens when one gatling laser breaks or runs out of ammo? Its useless. What happens when one Paladin dies? The BOS cannot replace these.

What happens when one machete or hunting rifle breaks? Thousands more. One Legionary dies? Thousands more.

This is an actual war, not Hollywood.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:24 am

1. True but if you run out of ammo for your gun are you simply going to sit there and get taken over? I wouldnt use the enemys weapons. Nevertheless the BOS does have power fists.
2. Point taken.
3. When the "supply lines" get whiff of whats going on they woulndt be found or make a scene to get caught. Kinda a assumtion "everyone hates them" NCR doesnt that much or they would have them killed of after you tried to make a truce. hates them. Yes man doesnt care. CL doesnt seem all that interested. Enclave remanents IDK. Boomers dont know. Great khans unsure.

1) Legion attack with wave after wave of melee and shoot from a distance. Their dead will have no food or water on them, no ammo to take and no weapon worth taking, after all they have their power fists :rolleyes:

3) Veronica tells us that most people want nothing to do with the BoS. Everyone is in away an enemy. They send people out in disguise for a reason. They can only get supplies from people that don't know they are BoS. Still Legion cuts them off and seiges them they can't send anyone in the first place.

German lost because they fought on too many front at one time and got to thin. If Hitler never attacked Russia and took England wwll would have been a different story.

AKA Germany was out numbered. Over simplification but that is the case. Way to many people attacking and their fancy weapons were useless when out numbered and started running out of gas an bullets. BoS will be useless when they run out of food and bullets.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:56 am


What happens when one gatling laser breaks or runs out of ammo? Its useless. What happens when one Paladin dies? The BOS cannot replace these.

What happens when one machete or hunting rifle breaks? Thousands more. One Legionary dies? Thousands more.

This is an actual war, not Hollywood.

For every Paladin that dies, how many did he take with him? There's no respawning in war my man. One soldier may not seem like a lot, but when your losing hundreds of soldiers to the enemy's one....Well, this is actual war, not Hollywood. You can't replace hundreds of soldiers.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:29 pm

And for the love of all thats good in this world we get it the Legion wears skirts! That in no way reduces their combat effectiveness when you take into account their combat style.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:46 am


1.What happens when one gatling laser breaks or runs out of ammo? Its useless. What happens when one Paladin dies? The BOS cannot replace these.

2.What happens when one machete or hunting rifle breaks? Thousands more. One Legionary dies? Thousands more.

3.This is an actual war, not Hollywood.

1. Uses the power fist. The Armor they were is made to make the wearer STRONGER than before. This means he could most likely pick up one and throw him...
2. Yes it breaks down and that legionary gets slaughtered. They will run out sometime. Is Caeser/Graham really that blind to send wave after wave. If hes loosing tons of men im sure hes gonna pull back.
3. ...
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