And, for the millionth time, what is a Legionnaire going to do when he actually get's to the Paladin? It would take mobs of Legionnaires to even take a Paladin in PA down, and by the times a bunch of them got there, that one Paladin could have very well taken down a hundred troops with his Gatling Laser or Minigun or Fatman or whatever he please. Now when you consider that this would be the story for each and every Paladin, your looking at thousands upon thousand of losses for the Legion. A Legion would cease to exist even if they "won." The few troops that remained would simply be prey for whoever had a grudge against them. And, news flash, The Legion doesn't have the same amount of troops NCR does. That's canon my friend..
.. Why would they even do that?
If I were them Id landmine the only way out and set snipers.
Then Id have the beaten remants of the snipers 'pursued' straight into a trap.
Tactics.. tactics..
Also.. no, not 100 to one, again youre making them gods. 10: 1 on NCR, possibly 20:1 on legion.
I think the main problem here is that you are arguing gameplay mechanics while I am arguing actual tactics and war as they exist in reality.
Im really sorry, but bad guys do not all wear a black hat and some of them can aim.
And in real life another word for hero is deceased.