BOS vs. Legion

Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:50 am

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Are you crazy, is this some form of joke?! :ermm:
You clearly have no knowledge and appreciation of battle tactics and/or BUDGET.

At this point I COMMAND YOU to spell out what tactics are going to win to a legion victory against a Brotherhood force going absolutely all-out and throwing absolutely everything they have at the legion. Including nukes. What is the legion's plan for fighting nukes?
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:01 am

But you haven't said ANYTHING. You just keep bringing up totally unquanfitied "tactics" that award instant legion victory. This isn't like any other fight between technology and savagery. This is heavy mobile artillery versus walking toilet stains with at best .50 cal rifles. What is the legion going to do to win? SPELL IT OUT.

people talking about battle tactics and simulation without any war experience amuses me,
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naome duncan
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:50 am

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Are you crazy, is this some form of joke?! :ermm:
You clearly have no knowledge and appreciation of battle tactics and/or BUDGET.

LOL you clearly dont know what the BOS arsenal is...

Thats what they posses. They are not short handed of weapons.

BOS are like Green berets and the Legion are like a your average troops....Green berets win(BOS) hands down doesnt matter if they dont have the numbers they have supreme weapons, tactics, and equipment. What they lack in numbers they make up in Experience. The BOS Paladins aren't called the Elites for nothing...
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:43 am

people talking about battle tactics and simulation without any war experience amuses me,

Yeah it's getting pretty ridiculous. Each side is hell beant on winning and don't see the pros/cons of the other side.

That said, I'm done with this arguing [censored]. No ones gonna win if we continue on like this. Both could win but we'll never know seeing as it will never happen. All we can do is assume and assuming is never a good idea.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:42 am

LOL you clearly dont know what the BOS arsenal is...

Thats what they posses. They are not short handed of weapons.

BOS are like Green berets and the Legion are like a your average troops....Green berets win(BOS) hands down doesnt matter if they dont have the numbers they have supreme weapons, tactics, and equipment. What they lack in numbers they make up in Experience. The BOS Paladins aren't called the Elites for nothing...


MATE, im enrolled into the Royal Marine Commando's, AKA THE GREEN BERETS. They are nothing like the rmc. War and its pawns succeed on State of mind, physical strength and most importantly mental strength.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:51 am

Yeah it's getting pretty ridiculous. Each side is hell beant on winning and don't see the pros/cons of the other side.

That said, I'm done with this arguing [censored]. No ones gonna win if we continue on like this. Both could win but we'll never know seeing as it will never happen. All we can do is assume and assuming is never a good idea.

Theres no assuming going on here its just about Pure knowledge and common sense that says who is the best fighter and who stands up the best to a common threat.
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:35 pm

people talking about battle tactics and simulation without any war experience amuses me,

Are you just going to keep [censored]ting until I go away? What is the Legion's path to victory against man-portable nuclear ordnance? I really want to know.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:35 pm

Yeah it's getting pretty ridiculous. Each side is hell beant on winning and don't see the pros/cons of the other side.

That said, I'm done with this arguing [censored]. No ones gonna win if we continue on like this. Both could win but we'll never know seeing as it will never happen. All we can do is assume and assuming is never a good idea.

Its okay; im here now. I know about these things more than 10year olds who actually think you fight with ''nukes'' in skirmishes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:38 pm

But you haven't said ANYTHING. You just keep bringing up totally unquanfitied "tactics" that award instant legion victory. This isn't like any other fight between technology and savagery. This is heavy mobile artillery versus walking toilet stains with at best .50 cal rifles. What is the legion going to do to win? SPELL IT OUT.

I have said a siege.
kdn003 said some very wise things a few posts above and he makes some very good points.
I would agree that the brotherhood would win if only they had a way to get reinforcements and new supplies.
As it is they are in that one bunker. They cannot possibly hope to supply or ressuply an army.
A nuke is fine, but where does the second one come from? Where do the charges for their energy weapons come from?
They are in that one valley while Caesar has a grasp on a far larger area and has far more troops.
Every hit they take is irreplacable. They cannot replace or repair old tech while stuck in a bunker. Each high tech shell they fire is one less left.
Food even would be scarce.

Caesar can afford to lay a siege and starve them out.
He doesnt have to worry about dwindling resources.

If the brotherhood wasnt confined to a single chapter in the valley or if they held helios, yes.
As it is, no way, alas.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:45 am

Theres no assuming going on here its just about Pure knowledge and common sense that says who is the best fighter and who stands up the best to a common threat.

We're assuming who would win. We'll never know without an actual fight now will we? We can think one side all we want. We can do it all day if that's what you'd like but without an actual war we won't know. All we can do is bet on our horses.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:22 pm


MATE, im enrolled into the Royal Marine Commando's, AKA THE GREEN BERETS. They are nothing like the rmc. War and its pawns succeed on State of mind, physical strength and most importantly mental strength.

Wrong the Royal Marines are more equivlent to the MARINES in america. SAS would be more compared to the Green berets if anything. Further more the Royal Marine Commandos are more of a amphibious group.

(dont want to get into real life armys here but just saying)
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:51 pm

I have said a siege.
kdn003 said some very wise things a few posts above and he makes some very good points.
I would agree that the brotherhood would win if only they had a way to get reinforcements and new supplies.
As it is they are in that one bunker. They cannot possibly hope to supply or ressuply an army.
A nuke is fine, but where does the second one come from? Where do the charges for their energy weapons come from?
They are in that one valley while Caesar has a grasp on a far larger area and has far more troops.
Every hit they take is irreplacable. They cannot replace or repair old tech while stuck in a bunker. Each high tech shell they fire is one less left.
Food even would be scarce.

Caesar can afford to lay a siege and starve them out.
He doesnt have to worry about dwindling resources.

If the brotherhood wasnt confined to a single chapter in the valley or if they held helios, yes.
As it is, no way, alas.

If the Legion could do any of that, it would have already. They can't. God, what a [censored] waste of time this has been. You even award the Legion the magical ability to walk in force into Hidden Valley undetected, when even a single NCR ranger couldn't.
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kevin ball
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:18 am

Here goes...

The legion are the best trained mentally and physically. The BOS have the best equipment. Thats it.

Having the best equipment means [censored] all! Put a SA80 A2 in your untrained hands and suit yourselves up with lets say grade A bulletproof vests and give me a 9mm pistol and a commando dagger and ill kick your ass left, right and mother [censored] center. The BOS have superior weaponry and armor but that's majorly a downfall, concerning the state of the U.S.A ... Ill explain why!!!

*The armor and equipment those bastards carry are heavy and to stalk the enemy for days and carry that kind of luggage around would kill you.
*The Legion are trained mentally and physically to complete exhaustion and failure. They are born and raised as killers.

And that's all their is to this argument.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:44 am

It doesnt depend on numerical strength, it depends on psychology of the individual or group.
The brotherhood is reclusive, instrospect and in decline because they do not allow new members.
The legion is agressive, expansive and absorbs like a sponge with its join us or die attitude.

The legion has far superior numbers and despite technological inferiority would squash the brotherhood in their bunkers.
Because the brotherhood would be all about defending home turf, minimising own casualties and keeping own status quo, while the legion doesnt care for own casualties and would just slaughter them with wave after wave of footsoldiers.

Furthermore, the brotherhood is like a fox in its hole, the hounds of the legion can just dig it out, panic it into doing something stupid or starve it. A prolonged and sustained siege always ends in favour of the invader, simply because the sieged have no supply lines.

Now as far as New Vegas story goes I like the brotherhood a whole lot better than the legion. The legion stands for everything I despise in humanity, the ability to see people as things. As tools. As expendable. It a form of insanity as far as Im concerned.
But would they win?
No doubt.

Best thing they can do is keep hiding. Good thing I fixed their air supply.

I don't think you have a firm grip on the tactics of warfare. How is The Legion supposed to go about waiting them out? Are you suggesting they set up some blockade around the bunker to prevent things like food from coming in? What would happen when the Brotherhood decided to leave the bunker to go get supplies? They'd massacre the Legion troops standing around. Blockades don't just magically appear. You have to have the fighting prowess able to initiate it and hold it. How would they hold that blockade with a Vertibird flying in and decimating them all?

The NCR and Brotherhood stalemated for years due the NCR's number and the Brotherhoods tech.
The Legion doesn't have those numbers the NCR did nor do they even have the tech to even hold their ground in a fight with the Brotherhood. Anything the Brotherhood wanted to take, they could take. It'd be like sending the Persian army during it's peak to fight against the United States Armed Force today. Even if they outnumbered us (though I don't know if they would) it wouldn't matter. They wouldn't even possess the ability to hurt us.
There are times you just can't overcome overwhelming firepower.
You can be ridiculous and biased and try to defend your side by rabbling on about things like "mental toughness" all you want, but it won't change the fact of the matter-the BoS is just too advanced for the Legion. They wouldn't just win, it'd be a slaughter unlike anything the world has ever seen.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:55 am

War and its pawns succeed on State of mind, physical strength and most importantly mental strength.

Legion is a slave army. I wouldn't call that mental strength.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:34 am

Here goes...

The legion are the best trained mentally and physically. The BOS have the best equipment. Thats it.

Having the best equipment means [censored] all! Put a SA80 A2 in your untrained hands and suit yourselves up with lets say grade A bulletproof vests and give me a 9mm pistol and a commando dagger and ill kick your ass left, right and mother [censored] center. The BOS have superior weaponry and armor but that's majorly a downfall, concerning the state of the U.S.A ... Ill explain why!!!

*The armor and equipment those bastards carry are heavy and to stalk the enemy for days and carry that kind of luggage around would kill you.
*The Legion are trained mentally and physically to complete exhaustion and failure. They are born and raised as killers.

And that's all their is to this argument.

I think you forgot that the BOS arnet pansies also. They have training even if it is in a simulator. Yes the Legion does have more field expericance than the BOS at the moment but that counts for jack when there weapons wont even punch through there armor.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:05 am

Wrong the Royal Marines are more equivlent to the MARINES in america. SAS would be more compared to the Green berets if anything. Further more the Royal Marine Commandos are more of a amphibious group.

(dont want to get into real life armys here but just saying)

Complete idiot! The royal marine commandos are the best trained special force arguably in the world. They are the Green Berets!!!!!!!!!!
F.Y.I, they are equalt to your Navy SEALS; but more superior. They are the rank below the S.A.S

Im leaving this thread till somebody with war experience comes in because most of you are just childish dingbats.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:10 pm

If the Legion could do any of that, it would have already. They can't. God, what a [censored] waste of time this has been. You even award the Legion the magical ability to walk in force into Hidden Valley undetected, when even a single NCR ranger couldn't.

You do realise the game is a snapshot in time and we are talking long term strategy here?

If caesar would have gotten control of Hoover dam his next objective would be to pacify the region.
A guerilla war like that neccesary to root out the brotherhood wouldnt be alien to someone who emulates the Romans.

I did think for a second we had a semblance of a civilised conversation going on here so in my last post I went along.
But I see that has changed again for the ole: I cant win so Im gonna be a, well, something polite people dont describe.
Polite people also use language that does not cause the censor to kick in, for your information.
So once again I guess we are back to the ole blowing raspberries making faces at each other.
Fine, Im easy like that.
*blows raspberry*
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:34 pm

Here goes...

The legion are the best trained mentally and physically. The BOS have the best equipment. Thats it.

Having the best equipment means [censored] all! Put a SA80 A2 in your untrained hands and suit yourselves up with lets say grade A bulletproof vests and give me a 9mm pistol and a commando dagger and ill kick your ass left, right and mother [censored] center. The BOS have superior weaponry and armor but that's majorly a downfall, concerning the state of the U.S.A ... Ill explain why!!!

*The armor and equipment those bastards carry are heavy and to stalk the enemy for days and carry that kind of luggage around would kill you.
*The Legion are trained mentally and physically to complete exhaustion and failure. They are born and raised as killers.

And that's all their is to this argument.

So, a magical victory awarded by you, because that's the way you want it to go. Beautiful. [censored] this.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:40 am

Wow, a handful of you guys are so disrespectful and dis-informed. Insulting the RMC is unacceptable.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:13 pm

The royal marine commandos are the best trained special force arguably in the world. They are the Green Berets!!!!!!!!!!
F.Y.I, they are equalt to your Navy SEALS; but more superior. They are the rank below the S.A.S

The special forces in America can also be referred the Green Berets.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:36 pm

You do realise the game is a snapshot in time and we are talking long term strategy here?

If caesar would have gotten control of Hoover dam his next objective would be to pacify the region.
A guerilla war like that neccesary to root out the brotherhood wouldnt be alien to someone who emulates the Romans.

I did think for a second we had a semblance of a civilised conversation going on here so in my last post I went along.
But I see that has changed again for the ole: I cant win so Im gonna be a, well, something polite people dont describe.
Polite people also use language that does not cause the censor to kick in, for your information.
So once again I guess we are back to the ole blowing raspberries making faces at each other.
Fine, Im easy like that.
*blows raspberry*

They are far from emulating the Romans.

Give your BEST reason why the legion would win(Other than numbers)
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:54 am

Complete idiot! The royal marine commandos are the best trained special force arguably in the world. They are the Green Berets!!!!!!!!!!
F.Y.I, they are equalt to your Navy SEALS; but more superior. They are the rank below the S.A.S

Im leaving this thread till somebody with war experience comes in because most of you are just childish dingbats.

Weren't the Spetznaz proved to be the worlds top special force? If not I know they're up there though.

Also Paladin, the fighthers in the Legion themselves aren't slaves. They have experience. They are trained to their hardest every single day. They fight eachother in blood to the point of almost killing one another ( and at times they do) to prove who's the better warrior. They have enough mental strength to not go " man, [censored] this I'm out" and believe me it takes ALOT to be pushed to your hardest every single day. It takes mental strength to not just give up. Legionairies are loyal, devoted to what they do and who they do it for. They will not back down, even in the thoughest times. If that's not mental strength, then I don't know what is.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:48 am

I don't think you have a firm grip on the tactics of warfare. How is The Legion supposed to go about waiting them out? Are you suggesting they set up some blockade around the bunker to prevent things like food from coming in? What would happen when the Brotherhood decided to leave the bunker to go get supplies? They'd massacre the Legion troops standing around. Blockades don't just magically appear. You have to have the fighting prowess able to initiate it and hold it. How would they hold that blockade with a Vertibird flying in and decimating them all?

They have no vertibirds, they are one solitary and isolated chapter.
It doesnt matter if each time the legion suffers heavy casualties. Any casualty by the brotherhood is irreplacable. Its simple math.

"Standing around" lol, for someone who has the gall to ask about my grip of tactics you sure display none.
Read up on sieges.
Learn how sieges are always succesful, and why.

In other words, get a level of common understanding I believe every 15 yr old should have or sue his school.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:44 am

The special forces in America can also be referred the Green Berets.

I don't give a [censored]. The RMC are the Green berets. They are the best trained force in the world; mentally and physically. Im fed up of Americans thinking they are the only damned country in this world we live. Learn about others cultures and their positives and negatives. I just don't see how you think the BOS are anything like a special force. The legion are almost identical, the BOS are like your average hillbillie who have stashed stolen weaponry in the back of their stolen trucks.
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