But you haven't said ANYTHING. You just keep bringing up totally unquanfitied "tactics" that award instant legion victory. This isn't like any other fight between technology and savagery. This is heavy mobile artillery versus walking toilet stains with at best .50 cal rifles. What is the legion going to do to win? SPELL IT OUT.
I have said a siege.
kdn003 said some very wise things a few posts above and he makes some very good points.
I would agree that the brotherhood would win if only they had a way to get reinforcements and new supplies.
As it is they are in that one bunker. They cannot possibly hope to supply or ressuply an army.
A nuke is fine, but where does the second one come from? Where do the charges for their energy weapons come from?
They are in that one valley while Caesar has a grasp on a far larger area and has far more troops.
Every hit they take is irreplacable. They cannot replace or repair old tech while stuck in a bunker. Each high tech shell they fire is one less left.
Food even would be scarce.
Caesar can afford to lay a siege and starve them out.
He doesnt have to worry about dwindling resources.
If the brotherhood wasnt confined to a single chapter in the valley or if they held helios, yes.
As it is, no way, alas.