BOS vs. Legion

Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:01 am

Alright. It has been debated about whether BOS would kill the legion or the other way around.

My personal opinion is the BOS would slaughter the Legion army with some causalities. Lets look at there origins/ranks

Just for the heck of it^

Now lets look at there stats:

BOS General armory:

T-51b Power Armor(helmet included)- Armor-25DT Helmet-6DT
T-45d Power Armor(helmet included)-Armor-22DT Helmet-5DT
Paladin- Gauss Rifle, Tri-Beam laser, and Gatling Laser.

Overall weapons-Gauss rifle,Tri-Beam laser, Gatling laser, Laser rifle, Laser pistol, 10mm pistol, Super sledge, and 10mm smg

Caesers Legion Armory:
Legion recruit (armor)-Armor-6DT Helmet-2DT Weapons:Throwing spears, 9mm pistol, Cowboy repeater, single shotgun, Machete, Caravan shotgun, Varmit rifle, and .357 magum revolver.
Prime Legionary (Armor)-Armor 8DT Helmet-3? Weapons:Hunting Shotgun, Machete Gladius, .44 magum(according to wiki),Power fist(according to wiki),Hunting rifle, 10mmSMG,and Marksmen Carbine(according to wiki).
Legion Veteren(armor)-Armor-10Dt Helmet-3DT Weapons:12.7 SMG, Hunting rifle, Machete,Power fist,Fire axe, Marksmen Carbine,Throwing spears,Cowboy repeater, and .44 magum revolver.
Legionary Decanus(armor)-Armor-6DT Helmet-2DT Weapons:Throwing spears, 10mmSMG, 9mmSMG, and Machete.
Legion Centurian(Most formidable foe to the BOS)(armor)-Armor-18DT Helmet-5 DT Weapons:Machete Gladius, Chainsaw, Thermic Lance, Hunting Shotgun,Marksmen Carbine,Super Sledge, and AMR.
(For the heck of it) The Legate(armor)-Armor-15DT Helmet-4DT Weapons:Blade of the East and Incendiary Grenades.

Now I did not add in the BOS initiates just in case your wondering but you may also put there stats in here as well.

NOTE: Legionary officers/Soldiers will only carry about 2 weapons at a time and will use one 1 weapon at one time...

Which do you think would win?
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:15 pm

It depends on the numbers, it depends on the situation, who's defending, who's attacking, what the objective is. Do you mean in a full scale war?
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:47 pm

It depends on the numbers, it depends on the situation, who's defending, who's attacking, what the objective is. Do you mean in a full scale war?

All of Ceasers legions troops satationed at the Mojave Vs. All the BOS troops before the Battle of Helios one. BOS is defending and CL is attacking. Objective is: CL wants the BOS gone(can he succeed?)
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:20 pm

You didn't specify which Brotherhood of Steel so I choose to use the Capital Wasteland 2077 version with Liberty Prime.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:58 am

You didn't specify which Brotherhood of Steel so I choose to use the Capital Wasteland 2077 version with Liberty Prime.

...The mojave i said that...
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:26 pm

Mojave BoS
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:26 pm

Would be far more interesting to have a full scale war.

Four states of Legion Territory vs the entire BoS including prime and all the special paladins.. Heh
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:42 pm

The Brotherhood would destroy the Legion. CL doesn't have the numbers that the NCR has, and the Legion's greatest strength are it's Frumentarii, which would be completely useless in a fight against the Brotherhood. No way you'd penetrate the Brotherhood's ranks. Eliminate CL's ability to cause havoc behind enemy lines and make them stand and fight, then they clearly have no shot against the BoS. It'd be a slaughter.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:40 pm

Would be far more interesting to have a full scale war.

Four states of Legion Territory vs the entire BoS including prime and all the special paladins.. Heh

Ehh you could reference a full scale war but make sure your making your point clear. Other than that it will be talked about the MojaveBOS vs. CL.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:00 pm

All of Ceasers legions troops satationed at the Mojave Vs. All the BOS troops before the Battle of Helios one. BOS is defending and CL is attacking. Objective is: CL wants the BOS gone(can he succeed?)

Yes, Caesar and his armies would win out against the BoS. Not that the BoS wouldn't put up one hell of a fight. It is simple numbers, Legion has more. Seige warefare and attrition will take down the BoS. If NCR can do it, so can the Legion.

The Mojave is the fastest way for Legion Troops from Utah and Colorado to enter NCR.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:09 am

Well the war I had in mind wouldn't last long.

would mainly involve prime decimating everyone and the paladins going into cave hideouts etc to clear out the rest lol
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carrie roche
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:50 am

Well the war I had in mind wouldn't last long.

would mainly involve prime decimating everyone and the paladins going into cave hideouts etc to clear out the rest lol

Yes we all know how that would end up lol.

But you have to minus out the Liberity Prime. If your doing ALL of the BOS.

But other than that its just MojaveBOS vs. Legion.
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:24 pm

Well the war I had in mind wouldn't last long.

would mainly involve prime decimating everyone and the paladins going into cave hideouts etc to clear out the rest lol

The longer it went would only hurt the Legion more. The longer it goes the more experienced Legion fighters are going to die, leaving weaker untrained soldiers to take their place ( a lot of which don't even want to be their to begin with..). A lot like Japanese pilots during WW2.
All in all, The Legion just doesn't have the firepower to take down the Brotherhood. Lawn mower blades and crude smg's just aren't enough to take down a platoon of BoS soldiers. Throw in Liberty Prime and the Legion just doesn't stand a chance. The Legion doesn't even have anything in their arsenal capable of even damaging Liberty Prime. The BoS would massacre The Legion.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:38 am

Yes we all know how that would end up lol.

But you have to minus out the Liberity Prime. If your doing ALL of the BOS.

But other than that its just MojaveBOS vs. Legion.

Aww, ok can I have Elijah in control of the Sierra Madre + Helios instead then? :P
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Elena Alina
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:15 pm

There would be heavy casualties on the legion side. Legion recruits would be turning to ash piles left and right.
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D LOpez
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:59 pm

The longer it went would only hurt the Legion more. The longer it goes the more experienced Legion fighters are going to die, leaving weaker untrained soldiers to take their place ( a lot of which don't even want to be their to begin with..). A lot like Japanese pilots during WW2.
All in all, The Legion just doesn't have the firepower to take down the Brotherhood. Lawn mower blades and crude smg's just aren't enough to take down a platoon of BoS soldiers. Throw in Liberty Prime and the Legion just doesn't stand a chance. The Legion doesn't even have anything in their arsenal capable of even damaging Liberty Prime. The BoS would massacre The Legion.

You've got the roles reversed. Every BOS paladin that dies (and power armor lost) will be a lot harder to replace than a Legion conscript. There's plenty more where those came from. The Legion regularly wields AMRs at the Battle of Hoover Dam so they certainly have the capability to punch through power armor. The Brotherhood would be worn down and eventually overwhelmed just as they were against the NCR. The Brotherhood cannot compete with the growing Western nations militarily. There's just too few of them.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:53 pm

Then the logic would apply both ways. Your standard Legion trooper just isn't match against the Brotherhood; the more Centurions and the like you lose, the more of those you'll have.
The Legion doesn't have the numbers NCR has. The NCR had enough tech for their superior numbers to matter. The Legion doesn't have that advantage either. Hoover Dam was the Legion going all in. Every bit of strength they had was poured into that battle, hence the AMR, and frankly, that's just not enough-especially when you factor in attrition.
Superiors soldiers. Superior tech. Not enough to soldiers to overcome that. The Legion just doesn't have the capability to beat the Brotherhood. And to top if off....Liberty Prime..
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:01 pm

Pre-Helios One Mojave Brotherhood of Steel would beat Legion without a doubt.

Post-Helios One Mojave Brotherhood of Steel is a toss up. If the Legion fights like how they usually do and just send waves and waves of troops like tactical idiots, BoS without a doubt.

I'm gonna add on to Azula's scenario, Legion are forbidden to use normal "chems" like Rad-x and Radaway, they would die of radiation and from Super Mutant Overlords, and whatever is left from their crap army would
get decimated by a fraction of Lyon's Brotherhood of Steel.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:26 am

Not to mention they wont use the Centurians they are valuable Military officers. so it would pretty much be the grunts going up and fighting without anything really to punch through that armor.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:33 pm

Not to mention they wont use the Centurians they are valuable Military officers. so it would pretty much be the grunts going up and fighting without anything really to punch through that armor.

Centurians make up like what? 5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5% of Caesar's Army ?

I'll bet $50 on 5 Paladins with tri-beam laser rifles/gauss rifles/gatling lasers against 20 Centurians with whatever garbage they wield.

Oh and the whole thing about Centurians have a piece of power armor on their armor argument was probably from saluaging it off of a dead NCR heavy trooper with salvaged, broken T-45d power armor, not from killing a Paladin.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:06 am

Why do you guys discount the overwhelming heavy firepower the Brotherhood could throw at the Legion? Teams of men with miniguns, missile launchers, tesla cannons, Fat Man capapults, and gauss rifles. If even McNamara's Brotherhood really took the gloves off and committed to a fight, the Legion would get a taste of the United States Armed Forces that beat the living [censored] out the entire pre-war Chinese miltary, a force stronger than the NCR or Legion could ever hope to muster. Add in Vertibird strikes, plasma weapons that can turn a man to goo, and Liberty Prime, and no force on earth would have a shot, short of itinerant heroes with Pip-Boys.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:26 pm

Centurians make up like what? 5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5% of Caesar's Army ?

I'll bet $50 on 5 Paladins with tri-beam laser rifles/gauss rifles/gatling lasers against 20 Centurians with whatever garbage they wield.

Oh and the whole thing about Centurians have a piece of power armor on their armor argument was probably from saluaging it off of a dead NCR heavy trooper with salvaged, broken T-45d power armor, not from killing a Paladin.

Exactly the fact that a Centurion can kill a BOS Paladin is preposterous. The only way i see it is if they Paladin is ambushed and then killed...

@Azula i agree with everything you said. Power armor troops that are suppose to replace TANKS vs. Guys in skirts wielding machetes and the occasional gun that wouldn't even penetrate the armor of a BOS trooper.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:40 pm

It doesnt depend on numerical strength, it depends on psychology of the individual or group.
The brotherhood is reclusive, instrospect and in decline because they do not allow new members.
The legion is agressive, expansive and absorbs like a sponge with its join us or die attitude.

The legion has far superior numbers and despite technological inferiority would squash the brotherhood in their bunkers.
Because the brotherhood would be all about defending home turf, minimising own casualties and keeping own status quo, while the legion doesnt care for own casualties and would just slaughter them with wave after wave of footsoldiers.

Furthermore, the brotherhood is like a fox in its hole, the hounds of the legion can just dig it out, panic it into doing something stupid or starve it. A prolonged and sustained siege always ends in favour of the invader, simply because the sieged have no supply lines.

Now as far as New Vegas story goes I like the brotherhood a whole lot better than the legion. The legion stands for everything I despise in humanity, the ability to see people as things. As tools. As expendable. It a form of insanity as far as Im concerned.
But would they win?
No doubt.

Best thing they can do is keep hiding. Good thing I fixed their air supply.
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:30 pm

Here's the hilarious thing, if you get the Enclave Remnants to side with Caesar, the end credits say, Caesar told his army not to persue them out of fear of their power. They said even the Centurians feared their prowess in battle.

So let me get the straight, 1 Enclave heavy trooper, 1 Enclave Scientist, 1 Enclave Officer, and an Enclave Vertibird pilot ----INTIMIDATED the Legion. And even though the Brotherhood had beaten the more advanced Enclave on more than one occasion, according from our Legion fans from the last thread, the Brotherhood has no chance....

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Felix Walde
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:21 pm

It doesnt depend on numerical strength, it depends on psychology of the individual or group.
The brotherhood is reclusive, instrospect and in decline because they do not allow new members.
The legion is agressive, expansive and absorbs like a sponge with its join us or die attitude.

The legion has far superior numbers and despite technological inferiority would squash the brotherhood in their bunkers.
Because the brotherhood would be all about defending home turf, minimising own casualties and keeping own status quo, while the legion doesnt care for own casualties and would just slaughter them with wave after wave of footsoldiers.

Furthermore, the brotherhood is like a fox in its hole, the hounds of the legion can just dig it out, panic it into doing something stupid or starve it. A prolonged and sustained siege always ends in favour of the invader, simply because the sieged have no supply lines.

Now as far as New Vegas story goes I like the brotherhood a whole lot better than the legion. The legion stands for everything I despise in humanity, the ability to see people as things. As tools. As expendable. It a form of insanity as far as Im concerned.
But would they win?
No doubt.

I dont think you truly understand the brotherhood or how POWERFUL they are dude. Sure the Legion can send in massive waves of troops and guess what the BOS will surely snipe them from a distant or shoot them. IF they run out of ammo...POWER FIST and that legion soldier is sent flying with him holding his guts in the air. Really theirs no comparison with the grunts not getting the proper weaponry they will get slaughtered.
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