The Veteran Rangers in the Mojave Wasteland are also the best of a victorious army that are moved in late in the game. The Mojave Paladins are by no means the concentrated elite of the western BoS.
Think of it this way: the strength, organization, and composition of the SS in Germany, 1939 vs. late 1944. Not to draw political parallels, of course, but the BoS are not riding high in F:NV. Their Michael Wittmans are long gone.
Why? I don't remember BoS Paladins being immortal in F1/F2, just tough. Heck, you wipe out an entire base full of Enclavers in APA in F2.
True and true but even a veteran paladin like Hardin has the same stats. I'm not asking them to be god like. However high damage rifles kills them with one head-shot, also they're very weak againts critical hits. I'm still thinking at least some, if not all, of the Paladins should have 250-300 hp. They should be more than regular troops with good equipment. Even after that a lvl 20 PC will able to take them down in 3 head-shot... Hell at level 18 i just kill Deathclaws for fun(thx for the latest patch bytheway Gatling Laser is a beast now

)if it's a problem that PC gets too powerfull it's an another topic.
Maybe i couldn't expressed myself good due to my poor English; i don't want them to be immortal juggernauts but something like: "BoS equivalent of NCR Vet-Rangers(with better equipment of course

I have no problem with current NCR-BoS war; it's logical that NCR has the edge and BoS should learn they can't just get out their bunker, vaporize every tribal then go back their cave anymore. Yet making them level 11 with 60 EW... It felt the same way when F3 reduced super-mutants to regular ogres