BoS Paladins Got Beefed - More HP Than NCR Veteran Rangers

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:38 am

When you reach level 50, Bos Paladins become even more powerful than NCR Ranger Veterans. What's his name should set up a rematch between these two. If you plan on whiping out the Hidden Valley Bunker you should maybe consider taking the In Shining Armor perk.

Brotherhood of Steel Paladin

SPECIAL: 8 ST, 7 PE, 8 EN, 4 CH, 3 IN, 6 AG, 4 LK

Hit Points: 405 (DLCs only)
DT: 28 → 31 (T-51b armor)
DT: 20 → 30 (T-51b armor with T-45d helmet)

Hit Points: 430 (DLCs only)
DT: 28 → 31 (T-51b armor)
DT: 20 → 30 (T-51b armor with T-45d helmet)

tag skills: Default:
Energy Weapons: 84 → 100
Explosives: 84 → 100
Guns: 82 → 100

Energy Weapons: 95 → 100
Explosives: 95 → 100
Guns: 93 → 100

NCR Veteran Ranger

SPECIAL: 5 ST, 6 PE, 6 EN, 4 CH, 5 IN, 6 AG, 5 LK

Hit Points: 370 (DLCs only)
DT: 17 → 24
tag skills: Guns: 100
Sneak: 100
Unarmed: 100
perks: (DR: 30%)

tag skills:
Guns: 100
Sneak: 100
Unarmed: 100

The 30% DR may actually make them just as powerful as the Paladins though.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:04 pm

Oh wow thats cool, maybe they will be worthy allies in the Hoover Dam battle with this stat boost. Last time I tried it they didnt last long against the Legion.
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