BOS scribe and NPC stupid tactics (bravery gets them killed)

Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:38 am

Why is it when i am escorting a BOS scribe or wandering around with Piper, that even though they have a gun, they insist on closing with the enemy?

i'm in power armor and supposed to be protecting the scribe, and as i snipe pick off something 20 meters away, they have to close the gap and get swarmed by 8 hostiles. Yet i'm the one in power armor, and i can't command them to stay put while i fight off all the enemies, and properly secure the premises.

i was given a BOS escort mission to a Poisiden facility, i was on the outside i was killing off the ghouls before the scribe could close on them. inside i'm defending the scribe fairly well, despite the scribe Aggro-ing everything it could. i see a computer with a destination tick on it so i go over to that. i wait for the scribe to acknowledge and interact with the PC so i'm scrounging cupboards for junk... suddenly i turn around and i see the scribe left the room and aggro-ed another couple ghouls and was dead before i could get back out there.

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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:45 am

i guess what i'm saying, is that it would be nice to have similar companion commands for escorts. Stay, follow, go there, hold 50 Lbs of gear so we can fast travel

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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:39 am

I posted a similar moan a few days ago. I don't see them bothering to fix this stupidity, so I just gave up. Escort missions svck to start with, making the wimpy-arsed escortee think he's an immortal Rambo ninja is incomprehensible. Better missions to go mess with instead.

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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:33 am

I've done one of these missions, never again. At the very least, any escorted character should have a 'wait here, I'll scout ahead' option. What kind of security detail would allow the individual they are escorting to rush headlong into unknown territory? Also, not giving the scribe personal long-range radar that allows them to pick fights with entities half way across the map would be helpful.

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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:32 am

My first scribe actually ran to safety whenever the shooting started, in the end this got her killed as I passed through an area safely, only for her to be killed by Raiders she ran into and I had to backtrack to find her body.

My Second scribe wouldn't use stealth and constantly ran in front of me to fight anything that moved, I managed to get him through the fight simply by charging every group on enemy and bulling my way through in Power Armor.......his health was practically zero at this point, so I fast travelled him back to base.

My third scribe been standing around waiting for me while now.

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Mark Churchman
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