Why is it when i am escorting a BOS scribe or wandering around with Piper, that even though they have a gun, they insist on closing with the enemy?
i'm in power armor and supposed to be protecting the scribe, and as i snipe pick off something 20 meters away, they have to close the gap and get swarmed by 8 hostiles. Yet i'm the one in power armor, and i can't command them to stay put while i fight off all the enemies, and properly secure the premises.
i was given a BOS escort mission to a Poisiden facility, i was on the outside i was killing off the ghouls before the scribe could close on them. inside i'm defending the scribe fairly well, despite the scribe Aggro-ing everything it could. i see a computer with a destination tick on it so i go over to that. i wait for the scribe to acknowledge and interact with the PC so i'm scrounging cupboards for junk... suddenly i turn around and i see the scribe left the room and aggro-ed another couple ghouls and was dead before i could get back out there.