I mostly like Bosmer because of the Wild Hunt.
Lol, sounds familiar.
I love bosmer, because of Legolas. Even though I'm a guy, he's just so awesome, especially in The Battle of the Hornburg.
They're different from your traditional tree-loving elves. They're rather isolationist and excel at archery, that's normal, but they also have an interesting relationship with their main deity Y'ffre. The Green Pact and its Meat Mandate, the Wild Hunt, it all makes them unique.
Plus I just like elves.
I thought this was going to be about the lack of Bosmer marriage options again.
Edit: Personally, I don't care much for the Bosmer. Skyrim's my first TES game, and it didn't really present any Bosmer in an incredibly interesting way. Though I do like that one thief...