Latest BOSS Log:
Naw those are all fine, just notations but you got all you need there (though painfully small number of mods IMHO but for first time user that is wise)... , continue full steam ahead.
Pacific Morrowind
CaiusCosades.espApple Tree - Simple v.01.espREBetterLHF1.2.espEarnYourEquipment.espCTAddPose_OTPair.espG_'s-Loot-Mod_v2.5[Scaled Version].espG_'s-Loot-Mod_v2.5[Valkynaz Loot Plugin].espTerimer.espLightSpellTorch.espbrzSeducersBeta.espRandom Welkynd and Varla Stones and Stone Bricks.espArmorer's Advantage.espSutch reborn Lighthouse Fix UL.espUnderdarkMap.espKTVH - Walking In The Shoes.espArgonianBeautification-RaceSettings.espSPARTAN VIs Diverse City Guards v1 2.espCreature Diversity.espnewsheogorath.espGuard Torches.espSC_Drow Race - Skin Tone.espSC_Drow Race Addon - Magic & Armor.espSC_Drow Race Addon - Plus Pack.espSC_Drow Race Addon - Adantium Bound Armour.espSC_Drow Race Addon - Adantium Bound Armour + Helm.espSC_Drow Race Addon - Adantium Bound Armour + Sun Damage.esp
CaiusCosades.espApple Tree - Simple v.01.espREBetterLHF1.2.espEarnYourEquipment.espTerimer.espLightSpellTorch.espbrzSeducersBeta.espRandom Welkynd and Varla Stones and Stone Bricks.espArmorer's Advantage.espKTVH - Walking In The Shoes.espArgonianBeautification-RaceSettings.espnewsheogorath.esp