Maybe this is too early or too late to bring up but I'm curious which options will be on by default for average users. I am adoring these new functions and having more information but am thinking the checksums and version info are probably mainly useful to your team and all the lovely extra features might actually confuse the same folks that are sadly and stubbornly terrified of Bash. I've been able to coax most of them to run BOSS but some of them panic and dig their heels in if you mention Bash or even TES4Edit.
Checksums require a command line parameter (or the corresponding GUI option) to be set before they are calculated, as the calculation increases BOSS's run time noticeably. Version numbers will be read and displayed by default, and the command line parameter (and GUI option) for disabling reading and display of them is still available. OBSE/NVSE/FOSE & script extender plugin info will only be displayed when checksum calculation is enabled. I think version info is general enough that it should be enabled by default.
There is one section that isn't visible in the online BOSSlog, that being the General Messages section that is displayed if any such messages in the masterlist apply to your setup. I originally thought up the section as a way of letting people know when there was a new version of BOSS available, but it can be used to display any mod-unspecific messages applicable to the user's setup.
So there's no increase in information by default since the last time, I got rid of the Special Mod Detection section (which was actually meant to be a debugging thing left in, those mods are still detected) and the information is now easier to read, so it should be more accessible to people than before. The ability to use conditional messages in the masterlists will also cut down on the number of messages to only those appropriate to the user's setup.
It's still fundamentally a 1-click load order sorter, but with more and more power under the hood for those that want it.