[RELz] BOSS Userlist Manager

Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:31 am

BOSS Userlist Manager
Download from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39215.


The BOSS Userlist Manager (BUM) is designed to help you manage and maintain BOSS's Userlist file. It requires Microsoft Word version 2010, 2007 or 2003 to work. These are the key features...

  • Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing your Userlist
  • Automatically adds entries for any unknown mods that BOSS has detected
  • Tells you when unknown mods defined in your Userlist have been added to the Masterlist and asks whether you want to remove the definition or change it to override the one that has been added to the Masterlist
  • Allows you to define load order placement for mods that are not installed without generating BOSS error messages
  • Allows you to define Userlist categories that help organise your definitions into logical groupings
  • Tells you when your Userlist rule contains any omissions or errors - saves waiting until you run BOSS to find out
  • Keeps all information in your "userlist.txt" file - no information is stored in Microsoft Word.


http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/try/?WT%2Emc%5Fid=ODC%5FenGB%5FOffice%5FTry, 2007 or 2003
- It may work on earlier versions, but I am unable to test this

- BUM is of no use unless you are using BOSS to help with your Load Order

Credits and Thanks

A special thanks to WrinklyNinja for his help and encouragement and making me do something as quickly as possible before he does it :)

My thanks to the BOSS project team for creating and maintaining this invaluable tool...

Google Code Administrators:
  • Arthmoor
  • Random007
  • WrinklyNinja

  • Arthmoor
  • PacificMorrowind
  • Random007
  • Vacuity
  • WrinklyNinja
  • ZiggyX

Licensing and Legal

  • You may NOT use this content for commercial purposes.
  • You may not upload the BOSS Userlist Manager without the express permission of Surazal.
  • You may change and publish something based on the BOSS Userlist Manager providing it does not contravene #1. Giving me credit would be nice.

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Big Homie
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:06 pm


I just downloaded BUM. When I run the installer, I get a variable not defined error.


Edit: Running Word 2007
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Kill Bill
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:33 pm


I just downloaded BUM. When I run the installer, I get a variable not defined error.

Running up a virtual macine to test on Word 2007 will post again once I have the results. I can provide some manual install instruictions if it turns out there is a problem
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:40 pm

Extract to where?
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:39 am


I just downloaded BUM. When I run the installer, I get a variable not defined error.


Edit: Running Word 2007

Fixed in v1.01 which has been uploaded - thanks for reporting my stupid error

Extract to where?

Extract to a temporary location - can be anywhere - note, if you have not got v1.01, download it first - sorry
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:12 am

Wow, this is a serious upgrade from BOMM. The interface is quite nice. My userlist is fine for now, and I'm really busy, but I'll search around the interface more tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing and for the quick update!
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:03 am

Yeah the instructions for enabling macros is very lacking. Instructions in general lacking.

I have a developer tab from way back with file tree macros (and it works). I run the installBUM macro and it says macros are not enabled. err - ok I read down to the page two instructions and it says:
Enabling the Installer Macro
The default security settings on most machines will disable the installer macro. The following sections define Word version specific procedures you need to follow.
Installing with Word Version 2007
1. Click Options
... and that is it?
With a picture that does not look like any of the panes in my options menus.

What is a person who does not even have the developer-macro tab enabled gonna think?
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:27 pm

Yeah the instructions for enabling macros is very lacking. Instructions in general lacking.

I have a developer tab from way back with file tree macros (and it works). I run the installBUM macro and it says macros are not enabled. err - ok I read down to the page two instructions and it says:
... and that is it?
With a picture that does not look like any of the panes in my options menus.

What is a person who does not even have the developer-macro tab enabled gonna think?

Windows 2007 at the top of the file, right under the toolbars says it that some active content has been disabled. Just click that message and choose "enable". I don't have anything special enabled. The installation is the click of two buttons.


Edit: I don't have any special Macro-whatever enabled. I don't even know what tab you're talking about actually... :/
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:44 pm

Very easy install, just clicked the options button in the macro warning that came up and clicked enable, could`nt be simpler.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:36 pm

Nope I disagree.

What exactly do I click and when and in what order.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:28 pm

Nope I disagree.

What exactly do I click and when and in what order.

I'm not going through the install again at the moment, so some of the instructions are not exact...

1. Close whatever BUM/MS Word files you have open now.
2. Double-click BUM Installer.doc
-- A message will appear beneath the toolbars, right over the very top of the document itself (i.e, where the header of the DOC would begin).
3. Click on the message that appears.
-- A menu pops up
4. Click on the 'enable' option, the second radio button.
5. Now, click on 'Install BUM'.
-- A dialog box similar to the one picture in the first page of the BUM Installer.doc appears.
6. Click 'Install'.
-- This copies BUM.doc and the help file to a newly-created folder 'Oblivion Install Path\BOSS\BUM'
7. Go to your BOSS folder and double-click 'BUM.doc'

The installer file no longer matter. BUM.doc is the main file. That's the one you want to make a shortcut to (if you want a shorcut to BUM).


Edit: updated instructions
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Janine Rose
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:56 am

Nope I disagree.

What exactly do I click and when and in what order.

You should see a security warning above the "BOSS Userlist Manager Installer" heading at the top of the document and below the "ribbon" - it is not a pop-up. It does not need the developer Tab enabled.

You click it before you click the Install BUMM button.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:34 pm

You should see a security warning above the "BOSS Userlist Manager Installer" heading at the top of the document and below the "ribbon" - it is not a pop-up. It does not need the developer Tab enabled.

You click it before you click the Install BUMM button.

I think your installation instructions are clear as day, but Microsoft Word's alert is not. It doesn't stand out at all and blends into the document itself. I also vaguely remember it disappearing, but the real problem is that it does not pop out enough.


Edit: Psymon, if you are not sure what the alert/message looks like, scroll down to page two of the installer document.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:54 pm

I never really used BOMM, I had problems with the installation (I think due to the fact I didn't have the newest version of BOSS at the time), but once I saw this I decided to give it a go, and found that I could get it installed and working.

The problem I'm having now is that the userlist generated after I "Apply Changes" has everything commented out. I can hand-remove the "//Inactive:" comment, and then push the apply button again and it's re-inserted. Am I doing something wrong? I can't find anything that explains this.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:51 pm

-- A message will appear beneath the toolbars, right over the very top of the document itself (i.e, where the header of the DOC would begin).

That is the missing piece of info - I looked over the instructions and nothing to indicate where that was at, so here I am rifling through the menus of word 2007.

But even with version 1.01 I get a compile error - variable not defined.

Nothing appears to have been placed in the BOSS folder.
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:02 am

That is the missing piece of info - I looked over the instructions and nothing to indicate where that was at, so here I am rifling through the menus of word 2007.

But even with version 1.01 I get a compile error - variable not defined.

Nothing appears to have been placed in the BOSS folder.

Are you sure you ran the updated installer doc file? Double-check. That would be quite odd. I don't think you would've seen the error if the macro wasn't enabled... :/ Also, it seem you have to enable the active content every time you open it, or maybe I just missed the "don't ask again" check box. :/

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Latino HeaT
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:48 am

Yes I never extracted version 1.0

I see no button for 'don't ask again'

Here is the section that is pointed to when the error occurs:
' Initialise startup variables
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sInstallPath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & sInstallFilesFolder & "\"
sTemplatePath = Application.Options.DefaultFilePath(wdUserTemplatesPath) & "\"
sDefaultBOMM = ""
sDocFile = sDataDoc
iButtonPressed = IIf(bDebugRun, 1, 0)
bInstalled = False

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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:03 pm

I never really used BOMM, I had problems with the installation (I think due to the fact I didn't have the newest version of BOSS at the time), but once I saw this I decided to give it a go, and found that I could get it installed and working.

The problem I'm having now is that the userlist generated after I "Apply Changes" has everything commented out. I can hand-remove the "//Inactive:" comment, and then push the apply button again and it's re-inserted. Am I doing something wrong? I can't find anything that explains this.

This will happen if you have mods in your Userlist that are not installed in your Oblivion Data folder. When BUM writes your changes to the Userlist.txt file, it checks to see if your Rule mods are actually installed. If they are not, it will "comment" them out so that you don't get BOSS error Userlist error messages.

It looks in ..\data - ie one level up from BOSS, which should be...


Are you sure the mods are installed and present in the standard location? Are you also sure that ALL the lines have been commented out and that none are normal Userlist lines?

Yes I never extracted version 1.0

I see no button for 'don't ask again'

Here is the section that is pointed to when the error occurs:

Sorry to hear you having issues. The line you highlighted is the error that v1.01 corrected. If you are able to look at the text you posted, you should see a line further up from the one you highlighted that says "Public iButtonPressed As Integer" - if you don't see this line you are running v1.0.

Let me know so I can look into this further if you are indeed on the latest version. Alternatively I can post some manual install procedures - they are very simple and may save you more frustration - let me know.

Corrected some text.
Also, I will change the screenshots in the Installer document to show more of the Word window to make it easier to determine where the message is located.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:48 pm

Well it seems that even though I redownloaded what I thought was version 1.01 it wasn't.

Nexus file names fooled me.

Though I'm certain that I deleted version 1 without ever extracting it.

appears to be working and no I don't have activate content every time I open the main file as Tomlong posted above.


though an immediate issue.

On my existing userlist I had defined:
ADD: TOSlod_built.esp
AFTER: TOS - Prelude.esp

Apparently now TOSlod_built.esp is on the masterlist. An Option was given to remove it and when I clicked that I got an error - runtime error '5'
debug showed this section:
Set oTextFile = fs.OpenTextFile(sBOSS & sBOSSuserlist)
bAddModDefined = False
bRepeatAction = False

Do Until oTextFile.AtEndOfStream
If oTextFile.AtEndOfStream And iUserCount = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
sKeyword = UCase(LTrim(Left(sUserLine, InStr(sUserLine, ":") - 1)))
sObject = Trim(Mid(sUserLine, InStr(sUserLine, ":") + 1))

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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:33 pm

Well it seems that even though I redownloaded what I thought was version 1.01 it wasn't.

Nexus file names fooled me.

Though I'm certain that I deleted version 1 without ever extracting it.

appears to be working and no I don't have activate content every time I open the main file as Tomlong posted above.


though an immediate issue.

On my existing userlist I had defined:
ADD: TOSlod_built.esp
AFTER: TOS - Prelude.esp

Apparently now TOSlod_built.esp is on the masterlist. An Option was given to remove it and when I clicked that I got an error - runtime error '5'
debug showed this section:

Glad to hear you got the install sorted out.

I just pasted your rule into my Userlist and ran BUM on Word 2010 and Word 2007 - got the prompt and chose Remove and it worked without a problem.

Does the Runtime Error 5 message display any additional information that explains what an error 5 means? If the error message dialogue has a "Help" button, then clicking it may provide additional information about the problem.

Sorry I can't be of more help - but is very difficult to solve a problem when I can't reproduce it :(
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:05 am

Invalid procedure call or argument.

Actually trying to do either change to override or delete gives the same error.

[edit to correct below]
Clicking the help button debug button is what gave me the passage of code I posted above. I will highlight text as it is highlighted for me.

the help button just gives me a generic microsoft help search page - no leads.
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