I am beginning to wonder if it is even possible to pass either check. Many searches on google have returned void with lots of reports of never being able to pass either one, and zero reports of having success.
Persuasion and intimidations checks are all but useless in the game in a few instances. In others it pays to have a high speech skill. This is one thing most agree was poorly implemented in the game. Even if you have the intimidation or persuasion perks there is no assurance they will work but then again I haven't used these particular perks. If you're willing to invest in them you could let us know on the forum if they work well or not. My first character was a jack of all trades and didn't have the perks to invest. My curent character is limited on skills so trying those particular speech perks out might be a good investment for me provided they are worth it.
I'm pretty sure it has worked for me before. Sure it was intimidate because he seemed worried.
Intimidate doesn't work in that encounter nor the whiterun guards. Even with the perk and reloading numerous times it doesn't work. Which means it's bugged. I think persuasion works, but that could be a myth. I swear I saw it work but I just don't remember. Now that I think of it, I don't think I have ever intimidated a thief either. Also, thieves used to recognize the thieves guild master and when wearing the nightingale armor. But that way back in version 1.1 Maybe one of the later patches broke that dialogue.
My character has skill 100 in speech and all perks in that skill tree. Persuasion works every time on bandits on the road while intimidate has never worked.
Doesn't surprise me, Persuade almost always works for me and I've never had the perk. Intimidation however from what I've seen is broken and useless going by what I've read.
Intimidate is useless on them, not sure about persuasion as my character always bristles and tells them to back off.
BTW you'll find plenty of more opportunities to play this scenario out, either in town or in the wilderness. Intimidation is useless and leads to a battle. If you use persuade they walk off but make you feel like a coward.
Ah, just drive a sword through their gut. That's the only real answer you need to their taunts. Make sure you take his/her soul though when you do. Gotta keep a fresh supply of black souls for enchanting you know.
May have been before this last patch, but in the one before the current one I just joined the guild and was attacked by a thief just outside of Riten. I got the option to say I'm with the guild and she said she saw me at the Ragged Flagon and walked away.
I "persuade" them with three simple words...
Correct my if I’m wrong (and I probably am wrong) but I vaguely remember hearing once that intimidation also factors in armour skill?…or was it weapon skill…I can’t remember >.<
I’m no expert on this game, but it would kind of make sense. You have to look intimidating to be intimidating.
Not making much sense, if I'm holding a sword in my hand you can't say if I'm good or bad with it. It would somewhat make sense if it would depend on the material of which your sword and armor are made of. For example, a person sporting a complete daedric set and weapon is badass in some way, either killed something really nasty or is so filthy rich that killing him/her would cause ripples that are bad for you.
True lol
Though it could be a case of confidence? Just because you hold a sword, doesn’t necessarily mean you look like you know how to use it. I know I sure wouldn’t, I’d still be shaking in my shoes, even while holding a Daedric sword…
Though now I’m just grasping at straws lol
I really do wish I could remember where I saw that thing about armour/weapon skills. It’s been too long…-.-
I let my swordsmanship do the talking; talk is cheap after all.
Having fully levelled skills and perks may not always be enough, add in some enchanted gear, mask of clavicus vile and amulet of articulation (if possible).
Heres a list of the Persuasion Options, might be helpful:
Intimidation isn't useless. In some places it just flat out doesn't work (for whatever reason) but that's not all cases.
A competent swordsman could look at the way you're holding the sword to determine if you're any good with it or not. Posture is important.
To persuade the adventurer, requires a skill level of
The Amulet of Articulation that is awarded
A successful intimidation is based on skill level and player level. Not sure what that translates to, exactly.
One can assume ( verification required ) that the player's level is added directly to the persuasion requirement. So, a persuasion check of 50 with a player level of 30 would be the equivalent of 80. With the Intimidation perk it would reduce that by 50% making the challenge requirement only 40.