» Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:36 am
This game is pointless to play solo until they fix the bot AI. Since I am playing on PS3 I can't play online and I am not having fun with this game, despite how excited I have been about the game. I have voted on the polls to have the bot AI fixed and if they don't fix it, then this game is going back to the store. I haven't had a game make me want to throw my controller in a while, but this game is doing just that.
Splash Damage, make your game fun so that people like me who bought your game despite all the poor reviews don't feel like we have been screwed over. Cause at this point I have gotten less than 10 hours of game play and I want to snap the disc in half.
During the roughly 10 hours of game time I have finished the resistance side, created roughly 8 characters, and I am stuck on Day 3: Smash and Grab (security side) because the AI intelligence is so poor. They don't know how to support the data carrier and they waste time going for pointless objectives instead of supporting me, who is fighting the entire enemy force that is defending the data. Also it makes no sense when a bot gets a hold of the data and then runs straight into the enemy team without any back up. He doesn't look for the rest of the team or run with them when they find him. Our entire team ends up getting split and then we naturally are mowed down by enemy gun fire.
I read on the forums that you guys decided to design the AI this way because you didn't want the bots stealing the glory from the human player. If I wanted to feel like a god running around I would play a non team based game. I did however, decide I wanted to play a team based/objective based/class based game. I didn't expect to be going for objectives on my own against a full enemy team.
Yes this is a gripe post. This is the best way for me to release my anger instead of throwing my controller.