Framerate plummeting, glitched settlement data in Pip-Boy, floating NPCs and enemies, glitched Pip-Boy during stealth, lone wanderer perk with Dogmeat, skip reload by open and close Pip-Boy, Carla's brahmin forever on my roof, you're special Dogmeat dupe abuse, lootable bodies or armor suits clipping through the map, Mirelurk Queen forever at my Murkwater settlement, glitched spotlights in settlements, searching endlessly for missing companions etc.
Whatever, it's an expansive game, Bethesda always has bugs, rah rah Fallout is life.
Except now I can't play anymore because Dangerous Minds is broken.
A main story quest. One of apparently MANY now revealed to me by this very forum.
This is a AAA title, not Ride to Hell: Retribution. You can't possibly expect anyone to believe you thoroughly test your product when you have this volume of complaints spanning multiple points in your MAIN QUESTS.
All we have is rumors of a console patch soon with ONE of the quest glitches addressed?
I have sunk so much time into this already buggy game, and this is what I get.
Best part is, I didn't even want the game! My girlfriend is a huge fan and I let her preload it and everything. I had never played a Bethesda game before, and wasn't too keen until I saw her play and was hooked, praising the game, and Bethesda, and overlooking how buggy the final product was.
Now this, and reading about just how many people are as frustrated as I am. I feel like an idiot, another number in your record breaking sales.
Thanks Bethesda.