it has 167 pages but only 150 of them have a comic on it (1 comic per page) and only about 11 of them were actually funny ... out of the 30 unpublished ones only one of them was funny
is Ice cream & Sadness pretty much the same or better ???
Then make an e-book by downloading your favorite strips and storing them all in a single folder. Then preview the first image and boom, you've got a book. ...Kinda.
I dont understand same for the cracked book, its a free web comic. FREE, LEGAL and entertaining. Why buy ?
to share it with friends too lazy to check teh site them selves / people who dont have their own internet / with people in areas where theres no connection (school and work and walking down the street on a bus etc....)
I dont understand same for the cracked book, its a free web comic. FREE, LEGAL and entertaining. Why buy ?
I bought the Cracked book because I like books and Cracked. I also felt it was a good way of giving something back to a website that I've gotten countless laughs from.
But I knew I'd enjoy the book. Buying something which you know the contents of, and then complaining when you don't like it seems pretty silly to me.