Typos are insignificant, the main problem was incorrect information. For example,
**The vanilla release of the book lists 20 different alchemy ingredients with the 'Damage Health' effect. Four of those are wrong (Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg, and Slaughterfish Scales). This is because they used the Find function on a computer to assemble this list. A computer will not tell the difference between 'Damage Health' and 'Lingering Damage Health' when you type in 'Damage Health' into the Find. So they assumed that all the 'Damage Health' hits that were listed were ingredients with 'Damage Health'.
Same goes for both 'Damage Magicka' and 'Damage Stamina', but worse due to there being both a Lingering Damage and Damage Regen.
**For the armor perks 'Assassin's Aegis' and 'Nightengale's Aegis' the book states +25% armor rating, when it is in fact +25 points.
**There is a crafting recipe that doesn't actually exist: 2 Leather Strips + 2 Refined Malachite + 1 Refined Moonstone = Glass Arrow.
**They list the various types of minable ore with locations to find them. Redbelly Mine produces Ebony, not Iron as listed. Embershard Mine produces Iron, but isn't listed at all.
**They do not list Breezehome's Living Room or Kitchen decorations, as such the Total cost reads 6250 gold instead of the actual 6800 gold.
**They say the Ebony Blade is a Sword, not a Greatsword. Also, 3 of the 4 notes in the 'Notes' section of the table are misplaced.
This was all in the first 91 pages.