It’s “considered” OP by some because you can get it by level 4 in vanilla Skyrim, basically a Daedric weapon with unlimited ammo, and archery is already considered a very powerful build... with the right perks it can be game breaking even on Legendary (and conjuration/archery) is a super fun playstyle IMO!
Not glitched. Yes, bound sword is good for early game if you perk it right, but IMO the fact you can’t dual cast and dual wield Bound Swords they just are not as popular as Bound Bows...
I think ChosenFrozen is complaining about the inability to get a longer duration by dual casting. I use Dual Casting on the Bow and Axe, but it is impossible with two Bound Swords. The Right Hand Sword can be Dual Cast, but the Left Sword is stuck with the normal duration.
What is the point of dual casting bound bow? Does it increase the damage or duration of the spell?
And it doesnt matter which order I take those perks right? including Adept Conjurtion? It won't mes up up the damage?
Bound Bow isn't glitched, but it's great because You essentially can have a Daedric bow with Banish and Soul Trap enchantment, as well as unlimited Daedric arrows. The bow is also weightless and has an average draw speed. The duration is 2 minutes which is more than enough time.
Not to mention if you don't use smithing there rarely any bow in vanilla game can surpass it.
I love using the Bound Bow when I want to take a break from duel wielding Bound Sword on my Nightblade/Assassin. Also, the best for sniping and not leaving behind evidence
The spell is silent if you cast it with your right hand.
I took the Quiet Casting perk from the Illusion skill tree for my Nightblade assassin as that makes any magic from any school (including Shouts) cast more quietly.
Bound bow + mystic binding + deadly aim also = best bow in game
Why wouldnt anyone want to use a Daedric quality bow that weighs nothing?
The bow has high damage for a any level character. Add the perk mystic binding, and you have a 50% more damage added to it. Add the deadly aim perk to it, and you add another 3x worth of damage in sneak mode. Each perk you take in overdraw, adds another 20% for each perk. Plus you can apply poisons to any bound bow. So you have a bow that can do good damage and weigh nothing so as not to take up weight in your inventory, plus unlimited arrows.
My sorceress loves to sneak, so I got a bow that does the basic daedric damage, which is 19, then 19 + 50% of the 19 = 28.5 damage. Then add 3x due to the deadly aim perk, and you got 114 damage and my gal is probably about level 10 by this time. Then add 20% for each overdraw perk she takes, and you got a bow that can do good damage, not to mention the damage from poisons.
Lesser duration hardly counts as something that should degrade popularity. At least in my opinion. It's not like summoning takes 10 minutes. If damage would be taken into account then yes, it would be a whole different story.
The spell doesn't make a sound, but I don't think it's actually silent in that enemies can't hear you cast the spell.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you but I was in class. The bow has all the qualities I mentioned and none of the weight. That adds up to about 20-35 pounds of other plunder. Not to mention that fact that it looks better than any bow in the game with its blue ripples and shimmering arrows. Plus you can always find your dead enemy to loot from the arrows.