Bound two-handed weapon flaw

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:14 pm

sorry if topic already exists, i did search. Basically due to skyrim's basic button layout we all know you can't block etc if you have a spell or anything that attacks in your left hand. However i've also found that this makes conjouring two handed weapons all but useless, as the conjoured two-handed weapon takes up both hands, you cannot switch to another spell such as heal on the fly, or swich to a ranged attack if the situation calls for it, as it will dispel your bound two-handed weapon, which takes a significant amount of magica to recast. in other words a normal two-handed weapon is infinitely superior.

My suggestion: allow sheathing of two handed weapons. If you equip the spell to conjour it, it will simply equip the axe if there is still time on the spell (timer will still run if bound axe is in inventory). That way you can switch to heal spells or ranged combat as the situation requires without wasting all your magica.
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meghan lock
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