Bound Weapons and higher Player-levels.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:03 am

Hello everybody,

as far as common knowledge goes, Bound Weapons from the Conjuration-School are very strong in the beginning of the game.

However, how long do they stay competitve to normal loot on Master/Expert-Difficutly-Level, taking the Mystic Weapons-Perk into consideration?

For example, will they get useless/fall massively behind at lvl 20, or lvl 30, or lvl 45?

Does anyone have experiences?

Thank you. :)
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:02 am

My assassin is at level 20, using a bound bow with no perks and archery skill at 50 with perks giving 40% extra damage, stagger, and 10% critical hit damage and right now I can kill a town guard in three shots. From stealth I can one shot most enemies, especially if I use poison. I haven't yet found a bow as effective, and that's including the nightingale bow.

Not sure if that helps any, but so far they certainly seem a viable option to me, especially as I have room to advance in both archery and conjuration perks. Also, I'm not sure I care if there are better bows out there anyway because the bound one looks so cool. Also: no need to carry ammo! :D
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:13 pm

I wouldn't know, but my 81 spellsword is terrible in combat all thanks to destruction magic... As long as it isn't destruction, I'd imagine you'd be fine.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:14 pm

I wouldn't know, but my 81 spellsword is terrible in combat all thanks to destruction magic... As long as it isn't destruction, I'd imagine you'd be fine.

There's a million other threads for you to cry in.

To the OP: I'm loving my dual bound sword assassin build. Still seems pretty legit at level 18ish. I imagine they start to become less powerful than other weapons eventually, but through perks in conjuration and the respective combat tree they are pretty useful. The auto-soultrap perk and summon banishing are real nice too :)
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:01 pm

Thx for your help so far.

THe Bow is known as very strong even in late game (lvl 40+), however, he requires a much higher conjuration-skill. The sword, in fact, just is "basic" stuff. I′ve read somewhere it is equal to unenhanced Daedric Weapons, what gives them roughly 50 pts of Damage compared to a enhanced daedric sword by a sword with 100pts damage.

However, I′m planning to play a Mystic Warrior with Heavy Armor, Dual Wield, Alteration, Restoration and Enchantment, with Conjuration just for the Weapon-perks. I doubt I′ll run into much trouble with this build, at least on Expert.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:23 am

I like the feeling on my mage when my atronarchs beat up the enemy and while he is cowering i walk to him summoning my sword in front of me instead of just drawing it out. It just feels more appropriate for my char. And it still deals good damage, too.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:06 pm

I think with the bound-weapon perk, full one-hand perks, and one-hand enchants (easily got from vendors, or enchanting) - you can probably make the damage viable even for high levels...especially while having 2 Dremora Lords out.

However they will not do as much as damage as fully blacksmithed/enchanted real weapons, but like I said you get the benefit of 2 very powerful summons, constant soul trap, and banish chance.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:00 am

The base damage of bound weapons is sorta mediocre without the mystic perk, with the perk however they become some of the strongest weapons available.

The mystic bound bow in particular actually surpasses its daedric counterpart with 24 base damage compared to the daedrics bows 19, this actually makes the bund bow the most powerfull player obtainable bow in the game by a fair margin.

The mystic bound sword matches the daedric weapon exactly with a base damage of 14.

The mystic bound battleaxe oddly eanough is somewhat less powerfull than the daedric weapon with a base damage of 22 compared to the daedric axes 25.

They can ofcourse not be enchanted of improved so a physical weapon will always have the potential to surpass them but they should stay competitive.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:07 pm

The base damage of bound weapons is sorta mediocre without the mystic perk, with the perk however they become some of the strongest weapons available.

The mystic bound bow in particular actually surpasses its daedric counterpart with 24 base damage compared to the daedrics bows 19, this actually makes the bund bow the most powerfull player obtainable bow in the game by a fair margin.

The mystic bound sword matches the daedric weapon exactly with a base damage of 14.

The mystic bound battleaxe oddly eanough is somewhat less powerfull than the daedric weapon with a base damage of 22 compared to the daedric axes 25.

They can ofcourse not be enchanted of improved so a physical weapon will always have the potential to surpass them but they should stay competitive.

edit: with improvements to the physical counterparts, bound weapons will fall behind, but definitely viable (I love bound bow on one of my characters)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:43 pm

Does anyone know if elemental fury works with dual bound swords? If so im sold
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:34 am

Ach double
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