Many games have bounty boards, and I feel that they would fit perfectly in Oblivion. Every city would have it's own board with it's own quests.
Quests would be of simple nature, for example: "Town alchemist insert-name-here requires 10 goblin hearts urgently! Please deliver them to me as soon as possible. Reward: 100 gold.".
No need for voice acting or complex scripts, just one board and lots and lots of quests.
Board would be a container which would have 3-5 letters(quests) at a time and it respawns like regular containers with 3-5 different letters from, let's say, 250 possible ones.
Quests can include either bringing ingredients, killing specific creature, delivery, acquiring certain item/artifact and so on.
While I have the idea, I do not have necessary skills to create this mod so I'm looking for a modder who has enough time to make this. As I have limited knowledge of coding and my CS skills are rusty, I would be more then happy to support modder with ideas and texts for quests.