
Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:21 am

Hi All,

I just picked up Oblivion after a year long break. I must say I'm pleasently surprised these forums are still active.
Anyway, I decided to create a "fallen Angel" type of a character. She's a Nord that has been infected with vampirism and has gone on a killing spree that has left her with a rather large bounty on her head. She's just joined the Dark Brotherhood, but finds it difficult to move around Tamriel with the Law always two steps behind. I don't want her to join any other faction to be able to pay off the bounty. So, is there a NPC she can seek to pay of the bounty?
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trisha punch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:12 am

I'm assuming that by rather large bounty, you mean over 1000. At that level of bounty, you will not be able to 'sweet talk' your way out of it. I believe the best course of action under your circumstances is to seek out a guard. Your options will be to reisist arrest, go to jail, or pay your bounty. Choose to pay your bounty. You will first of course, want to get rid of any stolen items and ensure you have the gold to cover your bounty.

Disclaimer: In several years of play, none of my characters have ever been arrested, but I think my recommendation is sound. I will happily yield to other forumers with more criminal experience. :tongue:
In fact, I hope someone else will come up to confrm what I have told you or correct me.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 am

what's the easiest way to get infected by vampirism?
i was thinking of making a vampire recently but couldn't remember where to go or anything
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:09 am

what's the easiest way to get infected by vampirism?
i was thinking of making a vampire recently but couldn't remember where to go or anything

Join the Dark Brotherhood, and do some quests for Vincente Valtieri. He'll offer to make you a vampire, accept the offer and you're set, no need to fight one or anything.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:13 am

is there a trick to using that show button? i'm not getting anything
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Franko AlVarado
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