When you kill a guard, you will always get a 1000 gold bounty, no matter what. Even if you are deep in the night forest, or lost in the labyrinthian sewers, where no one would report a crime, you will still get a bounty when you kill a guard. It's like they are psychic! In the moment after you land the final blow and before their lifeless body hits the ground, they magically report my crimes to their brethren all across Cyrodil. Which come to think of it is a passable roleplaying explanation, but dammit, I am not buying it.

Basically, I am looking for a mod which contains this one feature of http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5977 without all the extra fluff (e.g. disguises, corpse moving spells, local bounties, etc.)
If you manage to kill all the Guards that witnessed your crime, that crime gold will be removed.
I've found a mod called http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22894, but it uses frequent message boxes by the looks of it, which is bound to get distracting.
Is there a mod out there which adds just this one little feature and no more? Barring that, could some kind soul here make such a mod? Perhaps take the relevant scripting out of Reneer's Guard Overhaul and make a new mod, with just this one feature? Reneer writes in his readme that he does not mind this sort of manipulation so long as credit is given. I would do it myself, but I simply don't know how. Guard Overhaul is obviously an advanced mod and I wouldn't really know where to start.
Thank you for reading. Awaiting your reply, TES Forums.