Oblivion main game: 6 GB (this one's a guess based on my package)
Shivering Isles: 944 MB
Knights of the Nine: 155 MB
Total primary game: 7.099 GB
Fighter's Stronghold: 10.3 MB
Vile Lair: 6.5 MB
Thieve's Den: 4.5 MB
Wizard's Tower: 17.6 MB
Horse Armor: 6.2 MB
Mehrune's Razor: 2.8 MB
Orrery: 18 MB
Spell Tomes: 2.4 MB
Total for plug-ins: 68.3 MB
Total game with all plug-ins: 7.1673 GB
So, I'm wondering how accurate my numbers are, so I can figure out total memory usage. On xbox live there's also 6.908 MB of console media available, and I'm wondering how much save data uses. Is there an overall save amount, or does it multiply by how many save files?
Thank you for assistance, I've been trying to do this math for awhile now, and I'm hoping for accurate numbers before I upload everything to my console. I have an old used 20 GB that I know is enough for the job, but I'd like to be accurate.