a group of my friends and i are calling for a boycott to all Crytek products and we start with Crysis 1 which will be released on October.
this is because Crytek are not only not fixing the loads of glitches in their (in)famous game crysis 2 (specially the trophies glitches) but also because they are intentionally ignoring every gamer , I didn't see any single official statement about any of the problems, You have to understand the frustration caused by this.
We demand that you fix the Trophies Glitches Tooled UP and Dedication and all the known glitches and problems that ruin the game experience or the boycott will continue even if we are a small group we can make a difference.
To the gamers: if you are frustrated from Crytek please sign your name here and support this so we can show them that we are not just little kids and they can take our money without giving us support.
Crytek next step will be a group on Facebook and all the social networking sites calling to boycott you and your products.
Regards and waiting for your response .