It would be really cool if Kuertee would do that, as I was really looking forward to this mod.
...i have a new unreleased version of NPCs yield.
(the current released version of NPCs yield already has "Creatures flee" behaviour.)
a new feature is called "Fight or fly"..
just a heads-up:
here's my update to NPCs yield:
0.65, 3 January 2010:
- New feature: Reprogrammed the mod.
It now uses arrays rather than scripted tokens to keep track of actors.
- New feature: Fight or fly behaviour.
NPCs will flee from opponents that would be too tough from them.
- New feature: To prevent yielded NPCs from attacking again, their dispositions to their opponent are increased.
Previously, "ModDisposition" was used.
In this version, yielded NPCs and their opponents are added to a "special" faction that achieves the same effect.
But with this method, the effects of the mod in NPCs will never persist after the mod is deactivated.
- Bug fix: NPCs in these factions will never yield:
Daedra, Kyn, Mythic dawn, Undead.
- Note that a clean-save is required to use this version.
See the Upgrade section about clean-saves.
and here's an experience from a game session last night:
also, as an aside to NPCs' inventories are backpacks, i saw something that surprised me last night.
i had just come back from the Kvatch castle quest into the Kvatch camp.
it was night with my visibility low (even with a torch) because my nights from All Natural is set-up to be really dark.
after exiting out of a conversation with an NPC, i noticed some of them start to run.
i thought they were going to attack me due to something i may have inadvertently done.
as i turned back to my intended heading (i was headed for a bed) after keeping my view on an NPC who i thought was going to attack,
i saw an Elder Ogre litterally jump right out of the dark.
it was cool seeing this bright, yellowing, pasty, brute suddenly appear seemingly out of thin air from outside the light range of the camp fire.
all the NPCs were running all over the place: one went into the tent with the load door, while others run up the hill to kvatch and down the hill to the main road.
and the Ogre ignored them all to attack me.
these were the effects of my Wandering encounters mod and my new Fight or fly behaviour in my NPCs yield mod.
i've not seen these mods work as dramatically as that.
note that NPCs running into interiors or through gates is a normal Oblivion behaviour.
when they flee (confidence is low, aggression is high), actors (including creatures) will run towards another actor they are friendly with.
also note, that i don't have the NPCs locking the door behind them feature as what was planned in BRAINS.
hopefully this small mod would satisfy us a little bit until Syclonix gets back to his BRAINS project.
oh and another NPC/AI mod i'll be keeping an eye on (and so should you guys) is QQUIX's expanded actors AI packages.
cheers, all!