Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:37 am

Can someone confirm that MMM already allows NPCs to loop corpses for weapons/armor? I read this somewhere but I haven't had the chance of checking out Martigen's wonderful mod. Also do NPCs in MMM equip the weapons and armor they picked up? If so, I am hesitant to duplicate this feature in BRAINS since so many ppl use MMM and it would conflict. What do you guys think?

BTW I've somewhat put development of BRAINS on hold until OBSE v0018 comes out (which is real soon I hear :D) since scruggs has kindly developed some new functions just for this mod! In the meantime I've been working on two other mods: http://urlx.org/HNE which makes the distance sound travels vary depending on the environment and http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1008780 which lets you draw attention to yourself by yelling. To be honest I started making SHOUT because I kept getting ass-whooped by OOO's amazon man-eaters lol :embarrass:
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Greg Swan
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:56 am

Can someone confirm that MMM already allows NPCs to loop corpses for weapons/armor? I read this somewhere but I haven't had the chance of checking out Martigen's wonderful mod. Also do NPCs in MMM equip the weapons and armor they picked up? If so, I am hesitant to duplicate this feature in BRAINS since so many ppl use MMM and it would conflict. What do you guys think?

Yup. The Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs and Creatures plugin adds that feature, but only to the NPCs and creatures modified/added by MMM. As for re-equipping, I don't think they re-evaluate their equipment.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:54 am

if config.LootCorpses
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:32 am

What the what... ??? something really weird just happened. like a time skip or something! The second after I posted my last reply, shadeMe's reply was already there?but the timestamp is 6 mins apart.. am I goin crazy? :ahhh:

Anyways, glad to hear MMM uses a plug-in to do that. And thanks tejon for the code.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:26 am

What the what... ??? something really weird just happened. like a time skip or something! The second after I posted my last reply, shadeMe's reply was already there?but the timestamp is 6 mins apart.. am I goin crazy? :ahhh:

Never forget that most of this forum ( and then some ) runs on BethLogic ?.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:37 am

As been noted - other mods add behaviorally addition to NPC's; what about Deadly Reflexes that gives the NPC's the ability to perform Deadly Reflex action; how will that interfere with this?

Two suggestions also
1. NPC's react on dead bodies (Duke Patrick wrote "I discovered I could use IsActorDetected ON THE DEAD!" as I know there have been some discussion on this)

2. Not really part of this mods span but - Bandits and Criminals in general aught to be more friendly if you got a high infamy (adjust disposition and/or aggression?)

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Jack Moves
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:23 am

And thanks tejon for the code.

If it compiles, the OBSE team has been working overtime. ;)
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:22 am

If it compiles, the OBSE team has been working overtime. ;)

:lol: If compiles, I's gonna have to think of a different epithet for the OBSE team in my Credits sections !
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:54 am

It would be great to see NPC's react to the type of clothing you ware.
Would it be possible to address some types of clothing or armour as hostile?
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:37 am

It would be great to see NPC's react to the type of clothing you ware.
Would it be possible to address some types of clothing or armour as hostile?

I think theres a mod that does this already called Clothing Matters or something like that. Although I don't know if it makes people hostile against each other.. you mean like gang colors? lol.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:30 am

I want to make sure that this is dependent on the NPC's Aggression stat and their disposition toward the source of the friendly fire. Anyone with 100 Aggression should be completely unforgiving. I depend on this for at least one mod effect.

If you can find a way to work Confidence in there, that'd be pretty neat too... lower Confidence might make the NPC more likely to stick with their friends even if they're taking hits from same. A bit lower still, of course, and they'll just run.

I would love to see a breakthrough in tweaking AI in Oblivion, but I'm concerned that it'll be harder than some of the comments imply. Remember that Bethesda started out with a very complex Radiant system in place, then dumbed it down because it produced too many unpredictable and nonsensical behaviors. For instance, go into the CS and notice that almost every creature and NPC has Aggression 5 or Aggression 100. Ditto for Confidence. In order to get satisfactory flee/seek out allies/surrender behavior (I've played with this a bit in Diplomacy and Mercy), you either have to change a huge number of CS entries, or you have to run scripts for every person in combat, all the time, taking into account their factions and so on.

That being said, I really only scratched the surface with Diplomacy and Mercy, and a dedicated effort to change the way NPCs make decisions in combat might make some real progress. If it does, I'd love to integrate some of D&M's surrender/truce features into the AI overhaul, since they tie into the sorts of behavioral models you're talking about. Good luck!
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:52 pm

I would love to see a breakthrough in tweaking AI in Oblivion, but I'm concerned that it'll be harder than some of the comments imply. Remember that Bethesda started out with a very complex Radiant system in place, then dumbed it down because it produced too many unpredictable and nonsensical behaviors. For instance, go into the CS and notice that almost every creature and NPC has Aggression 5 or Aggression 100. Ditto for Confidence. In order to get satisfactory flee/seek out allies/surrender behavior (I've played with this a bit in Diplomacy and Mercy), you either have to change a huge number of CS entries, or you have to run scripts for every person in combat, all the time, taking into account their factions and so on.

I've developed a system that will work around these limitations. BRAINS will not modify any NPCs and as of now, neither does it change aggression or confidence. Thanks to OBSE everything is done dynamically on the fly. BRAINS will read the stats and attributes of the actors but will not change them. That said, I definitely see it getting messy when dealing with different factions, disposition, hostility combinations, but I'm not there yet :P

That being said, I really only scratched the surface with Diplomacy and Mercy, and a dedicated effort to change the way NPCs make decisions in combat might make some real progress. If it does, I'd love to integrate some of D&M's surrender/truce features into the AI overhaul, since they tie into the sorts of behavioral models you're talking about. Good luck!

Awesome :) I have yet to try out Diplomacy and Mercy but I'll definitely check it out when I get the chance ..boy I'd really rather be enjoying this 4th of July rather than spending it fixing stupid bugs hehe.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:01 pm

I'd really rather be enjoying this 4th of July rather than spending it fixing stupid bugs hehe.

Wait... there are more enjoyable things to do? :blink:
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:36 am

i hate you.

..btw I finally fixed the bug in SHOUT!

EDIT: Dammit... nother bug. ugggghhhh
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:16 pm

I'm drooling over this mod in eager anticipation.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:00 pm

Syclonix - huge chunks of kudos to you for even attempting this; I have no doubt you will succeed. :bowdown: One humble request. When NPC's are attacked by something they can't see, is it possible for you to script them to respond in some way in order to protect themselves and/or retaliate? This could be by running away, attacking in the direction the last attack came from, OR even by utilising a detect life ability/scroll/spell in order to "see" their attacker and retaliate. (Could a dispel spell also work?)

The last option would be AWESOME! :rock:


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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:06 am

Syclonix - huge chunks of kudos to you for even attempting this; I have no doubt you will succeed. :bowdown: One humble request. When NPC's are attacked by something they can't see, is it possible for you to script them to respond in some way in order to protect themselves and/or retaliate? This could be by running away, attacking in the direction the last attack came from, OR even by utilising a detect life ability/scroll/spell in order to "see" their attacker and retaliate. (Could a dispel spell also work?)

Great idea! The detect life ability sounds very interesting and I believe this would be possible, I've added it to the feature wish list although I can't promise it will be in the first version.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:54 am

Bookmarked this page, and voted for Instinct :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:01 am

Bookmarked this page, and voted for Instinct :)

love to try this out with FCOM when this mod comes out or if this mod comes out :P
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:47 am

Great idea! The detect life ability sounds very interesting and I believe this would be possible, I've added it to the feature wish list although I can't promise it will be in the first version.

I'm not sure how you conceptualise achieving this. My thoughts are that (in general) mage-type NPC's would have a Detect Life spell by default, and other classes of NPC could have one of the following:

1. an ability bestowed by Nirn's Breath (Greater) or Hunter's Sight (Lesser) powers, which give a detect life benefit, although the latter is part of the intital stages of Vampirism;
2. a detect life scroll;
3. a detect life potion;
4. apparel enchanted with a detect life enchantment.

Of course, some NPC's would have nothing at all - I guess that's just their bad luck! :shakehead:

However, it's your mod and I would just be happy to see it implemented in some way - whatever form it takes! :)

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WYatt REed
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:51 am

If I were to implement this (still haven't decided..) I would make it so only NPCs with the detect life spell could use it. Since this mod is going to be complex I will simplify things where I can to optimize it. Also, I've never used detect life, does it use a shader on the effected creatures? Does it show through walls? And does it reveal invisible NPCs?

EDIT I am working on some new features for BRAINS which I will release separately. The mod is called http://tinyurl.com/WIPFK and it allows any NPC to contextually and intelligently pick up weapons/shields off the ground and loot dead bodies.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:30 am

Also, I've never used detect life, does it use a shader on the effected creatures? Does it show through walls? And does it reveal invisible NPCs?

Detect life plays an effect shader on affected actors. It does show through walls. Invisible NPCs - Can't remember. But it should, considering particle shaders work on invisible actors.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:25 pm

shadeMe, I'm surprised you've played enough of the game to actually know that :P
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evelina c
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:53 pm

shadeMe, I'm surprised you've played enough of the game to actually know that :P

Alas, that be true :lol: IIRC, I spent my first 4 months with Oblivion playing it. Got bored and ended up like this. Bad trade-off, eh ?

The fact that I spent most of my time with effect shaders while working on the first 'ashes to ashes', might have to be taken into account as well :D

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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:14 am

One thing I just encountered, which you might want to include in this mod, is that Bandits etc. should be aware of traps in their area and act accordingly. I was in an Ayleid ruin that had a couple of fairly deadly traps in an area. Well a Bandit ran right through both of them to get to me and died at my feet. I didn't even have to lift my sword to fight her. If they're hanging around in an area, I'm sure they would know better than to walk where they shouldn't.
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