Progress: 25% complete
Release Date: When it's done.
There are a lot of great mods that add new creatures and enemies to Oblivion like, and there are also really great mods that add new combat systems to Oblivion like,, and BRAINS aims to achieve something completely different, but complementary to these mods by endowing NPCs (and creatures) with intelligence to think for themselves in battle (although it works perfectly fine without these mods).
Tired of townsfolk thinking they can take on Daedra with their bare hands? Tired of guards picking fights with mudcrabs when there are bigger threats in front of them? Tired of suicidal rats still attacking you? Tire no more. This mod aims to breath new life into the same old fights by giving every NPC (and creature) you encounter BRAINS. Instead of NPCs attacking the first thing they see, they will observe their surroundings, work together, and assess the combat situations they are in. Here are some planned features for the mod:
- NPCs will now become aware of who their allies are as well as their opponents. They will not be stupid enough to get themselves into situations where they will be killed.
- NPCS will instinctlivey know whether they will win or lose a battle. They will take into account their opponent's weapons, armor, magic abilities, etc. before deciding to engage them in combat.
- NPCs can switch targets and will decide who to attack based on different combat strategies.
- Allies will work together to execute different combat strategies.
- NPCs will take into account their opponent's combat styles (melee, ranged, magic)
- Unarmed/disarmed NPCs will try to find a weapon, unless they are more proficient in hand to hand combat
- When outmatched, some NPCs will call out for help and flee into the walls of a city.
- When outmatched, some NPCs will flee to their homes or shops and lock the doors so their pursuers cannot get to them.
Comments / Suggestions:
Please give me your input for this mod! It is in the early development stages now so it will be much easier to add/change features now than later.
Also, I need help determining what factors / formula determines how one NPC matches up to another. In particular I would like help measuring the damage per second for NPCs who switch between spells and melee, or spells and ranged.
EDIT: BIG Thanks to all the gurus on the TESCS forums for answering my endless questions, esp. shadeMe