PLEASE: stop pretending the only people who don't like this game don't like Fallout don't like bethesda games, or were expecting another type of game. This is closed-minded thinking and doesn't lead to a substantive discussion. I've been a Bethesda fan my entire life, but I'm getting tired of these same problems popping up over and over. A lot of people are angry at SPECIFIC perfectly valid things, like the game crashing on startup, like framerate being tied to simulation speed (which is impossible to fix without working from the ground up), things like the dialogue system, things like the terrible AI (which was in previous games sure, but don't you think games should improve?), the cliche story, uninspired characters, there's a lot of legitimate complaints here.
We are just as devoted as fans as you. We just don't like something you like. That's it.
Are there trolls out there posting zeroes on metacritic for no reason? Of course! But there are also trolls posting 10's for no reason. This happens with EVERY popular game.
There's a reason a lot of people are complaining about Fallout 4: a lot of people just don't like it.
Does that mean you can't like it? Of course not.
But please stop writing off our criticisms as "naysaying".