I have had Oblivion for awhile now, but have only just gotten started with the modding aspect. I play a heavily modded Morrowind, but the transition is quite a big one. Obviously with Morrowind we don't have any mod managers and whatnot, so I'm rather lost there, and how to use them. I'm no stranger to Wrye Mash, so I assume Bash works similarly? And is installing using the OBMM necessary? Is there a way to just manually install?
I have the OBMM, BOSS, and Wrye Bash, am I all set?
And now, as for mods I'm not a fan of big overhauls, so I'm starting small, will these mods be able to work together?
Open Cities Reborn
Unique Landscapes
Hemingway's Capes
Reener's Guard Overhaul
Sutch Reborn
Tamriel Immersion Experience
Kvatch Rebuilt
Enhanced Daedric Invasion
Cryodiil Travel Service
Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys
I'm not really looking to super mod out my game, I enjoy my Elder Scrolls games vanilla, but I just wanna get rid of leveled stuff and leveled quest reawards, will TIE solve all those problems?
Now is there a better heads/better bodies type of mod, like in Morrowind? What about a Book Jackets like mod?
I really appreciate any help you can provide, I was scared to post here at first because I'm much more comfortable in the Morrowind Mods Forum, but I needed some answers.
Thank you.